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Descr:swicthing ic on power supply regulator
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File name ka3842.pdf

Linear Integrated Circuit KA3842A KA3842AM - CURRENT-MODE PWM CONTROLLER PIN CONNECTION The KA3842A KA3842AM are fixe frequency current-mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for OFF-Line and DC-to-DC converter applications with minimal external components. These integrated circuits feature a trimmed oscillator for precise duty cycle control, a temperature compensated reference, high gain error amplifier, current sensing comparator, and a high current totempole output ideally suited for driving a power MOSFET. Protection circuity includes built under-voltage lockout and current limiting. The KA3842A,KA3842AM have UVLO thresholds of 16 V(on) and 10 V (off). The KA3842A ,KA384AM can operate within 100% duty cycle The KA3842A has been proven in applications using the same external components as Motorola's parts,among others .The KA3842AM has been optimized for compatibility with Samsung's parts Many applications can use either KA3842A or KA3842AM The KA3842A KA3842AM have Start-Up Current 0,45 mA SO-8 FEATURES DIP-8 ordering · Low Start-Up Current information · Maximum Duty Cycle Device Package Operating temperature · U/V Lockout With Hysteresis KA3842AM SO-8 0 to +700C · Operating Freguency Up To 500khz KA3842AMM SO-8 " KA3842AN DIP-8 " BLOCK DIAGRAM KA3842AMN DIP-8 " Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristic Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage VCC 30 V Output Current IO ±1 A Analog Inputs VI -0.3 to VCC V Error Amp Output Sink Current ISINK (E.A) 10 mA Power Dissipation (TA=250C) PO

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