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Kyocera PFP-003up free download

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File name:PFP-003up.pdf
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Model:PFP-003up 🔎 PFP003up
Original:PFP-003up 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer _OPTIONS PF-60 PFP-003up.pdf
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Updated version 02/06/04: more info + P/N added. 1/2 Service Bulletin SB Number: SB PFP-003 Creation Date: 28/04/2004 Subject: Usage of PF-60 on FS-1920/3820/3830 (C0560 / 0570 / 0580) Model: PF-60 PF-60 = Paper feeder for FS-1800(+), FS-1900, FS-1920, FS-3800, FS-3820N, FS-3830N, FS-C5016N Phenomenon & Cause C0560 (top feeder error), C0570 (middle feeder error) or C0580 (bottom feeder error) may be displayed. Depending on the PF-60 serial number, the PF-60 will not work if it is installed to a FS-1920, FS-3820(N) or FS-3830(N). Field Recommendation Please avoid installing a PF-60 with an earlier serial number than mentioned below to a FS-1920, FS-3820 / 3830! Measure The firmware chip on the PWB control board for the PF-60 has been changed from PF60V0100 to PF60V0200. If PF-60 is installed to a FS-1920/3820/3830 and C0560 / 0570 or C0580 arises, it is required to replace the existing PF-60 PWB control board to the new V0200 type. Distinction between old and new PWB Control board: On the new type PWB board, the indication V0200 is mentioned on the CPU. (on old type, V0100 is mentioned.) (Also, when printing Service Status page with PF-60 with new firmware installed, `0200' is mentioned as indicated in figs. below.) Bottom feeder Top feeder Middle feeder KMIS Service Team, Kyocera Mita Europe 6418 / SB PFP-003 Updated version 02/06/04: more info + P/N added. 2/2 Service Bulletin Part No. Part No. Q'ty Interchange No. Description OLD NEW old-new ability 5SNSP0013707 303DD01011 1 PWB CONTROL 1 1 x O (3DD01010) (3DD01011) Affected Machine Serial Numbers: PF-60: GGD3X42096 and later KMIS Service Team, Kyocera Mita Europe 6418 / SB PFP-003

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