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Riso RNT-006 free download

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Page 1 of 1 RN SERIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Data Category Field Modification Trouble-Shooting General Information Safety Advice DISTRIBUTED TO : All Distributors DATE : 03 April, 2001 MODEL : All "RN" models ISSUE : RNT-006 Our Ref.: NO. Proceeding Grade Parts Compatibility Handling of Modified Parts Action ASAP Compatible Free of Charge Action as given below Conditionally Compatible Conditionally Chargeable Action if required Not Compatible Chargeable Refer in need Old Obsolete SUBJECT: Panel Message "C03-308" Empty Master Disposal Box Panel Message "C03-313" Empty Master Disposal Box Brief: Either one of above two messages does not clear even though the master disposal box is emptied. Reason: The Disposal Box Safety Switch stays in contact with the Master Disposal Gate Housing Bottom Bracket even though the Master Disposal Box is removed from the machine. The reason for this is that the wire harness band is making the bundled wire harness stiff and preventing the Safety SW Ass'y Bracket from turning smoothly on its pivot. The Safety SW Ass'y Bracket remains in position in which the safety switch is activated by the Master Disposal Gate Housing Bottom Bracket, where it should be disengaging when the Master Disposal Box is removed. The message is not cleared unless the Disposal Box Safety Switch is released (deactivated). Modification: If the movement of the Safety SW Ass'y Bracket is confirmed to be stiff, cut the existing wire harness band and rebind the wire harness with a new wire harness band in a new position in which it does not interfere with the movement of the Safety SW Ass'y Bracket. Note: Panel message "C03-308" appears when the master disposal box is detected as full by the disposal box full sensor (mechanical detection). Panel message "C03-313" appears when the master disposal box is detected as full by the software master count (software detection). Which detection of the two comes out the first depends on each machine, as the software count can be adjusted from maximum 50 count to minimum 40 by test mode 386. The mechanical detection varies from machine to machine, as it relies on the compression spring strength. (WHEN THE MASTER DISPOSAL BOX IS REMOVED) Wire harness band [ GOOD ] [ BAD ] SWITCH IS R

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