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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2M2-0004-C294 2

Kyocera SB-2M2-0004-C294 2 free download

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File name:SB-2M2-0004-C294_2.pdf
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Model:SB-2M2-0004-C294 2 🔎
Original:SB-2M2-0004-C294 2 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-1040-1060DN SERVICEBULLETIN SB-2M2-0004-C294_2.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2M2-0004-C294_2.pdf

(Revised issue 2) (1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2M2-0004 (C294) [Service Information] January 22, 2013 Notes on the Operation of the Machine together with the Subject Windows 8 PC Model FS-1040, FS-1060DN l: This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. New description and the serial numbers of affected machines were added. KDC's Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit In-Field modification by case No modification necessary Field Measure: Please note the content below. The leaflet of the first edition is still bundled at factory for a while since the CD-ROM version 2.0 is bundled with the leaflet. Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: FS-1040 KDRU 1102M23RU0 NW82Y05978 KDID 1102M23ND0 NSC2Y00876 (-->) KDTW 1102M2TTW0 L1B2Y00051 (-->) KDKR 1102M23KR0 L182Y00151 (-->) KDSG 1102M23SG0 L192Y00669 (-->) KDTH 1102M23TH0 L1A2Y00329 (-->) KDIS 1102M23NX0 NSD2Z03173 * FS-1060DN (-->) KDRU 1102M33RU0 NW92Y02373 (-->) KDTW 1102M3TTW0 L1F2Y00107 (-->) KDA 1102M32UX0 NSE2Y03753 (-->) KDA220 1102M34UX0 NVZ2Y00901 (-->) KDKR 1102M33KR0 L1C2Y00121 (-->) KDSG 1102M33SG0 L1D2Y00604 (-->) KDTH 1102M33TH0 L1E2Y00186 (-->) KDIS 1102M33NX0 NSH2Y01768 * (For other specs, to be informed later) (-->) (For the serial numbers with "*" after last digit, the CD version 3.0 will be applied.) (1st edition leaflet) When operating the machine with the Windows 8 PC, please get the following printer driver like other OS (as before) and install it. - Printer driver in Product Library (CD) bundled in the machine. - Latest printer driver on KYOCERA Document Solutions Website. (Revised leaflet) When operating the machine with the Windows 8 PC, please get the following printer driver like other OS (as before) and install it. - Printer driver in Product Library (CD) version 2.0 or later bundled in the machine. - Latest printer driver on KYOCERA Document Solutions Website. Also, the caution leaflet indicating this content is now bundle

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