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UREI ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS FEATURES: Dual channel Crossover frequency selectable by plug-in circuit board 12 dB or 18 dB per octave filter slope Switchable subsonic high-pass functions THD: O.Ol%, 20 Hz-20 kHz Signal/Noise ratio greater than 90 dB L The 5235 Electronic Frequency Dividing Network is designed for use with studio monitor or sound reinforcement loudspeaker systems to provide a cleaner signal from the power source directly to the individual loudspeakers of the system. By dividing the audio spectrum before power amplification, treble tones are separated from, and unaffected by, bass frequencies. The result is more efficient utilization of available amplifier power. Direct coupling to the loudspeakers also eliminates the insertion loss typical of most passive networks and permits realization of the maximum damping factor available from a given amplifier. The 5235, a dual-channel unit, can be used for biamplification of two loudspeaker systems or to control both transition points in a triamplified system. The latter can be accomplished by utilizing one channel for the lower crossover frequency and the other channel for the high frequency transition. The 5235 is an electronic crossover network utilizing active filters. It exhibits unity gain in the low-pass output, and a maximum gain of 2 (+6 dB) in the high-pass output, with a continuous level control for high-frequency shelving. It provides adequate output to drive any quality amplifier, and operates at extremely low distortion levels at full rated output. A programmable high pass filter removes subsonic energy below the lowest usable speaker frequency. The crossover frequency is determined by inserting the proper printed circuit card into each channel' circuitry. Cards s with filter slopes of 18 dB per octave are available for cross- over frequencies of 80 Hz, 500 Hz, and 800 Hz. Cards with filter slopes of I2 dB per octave are available for the following frequencies: 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 800 Hz, 1200 Hz, 5 kHz, and 7 kHz. In addition, cards are available with specific crossover characteristics for large JBL studio monitors. Blank cards are also available to allow construction of circuitry for other ARCHITECTS SPECIFICATIONS: crossover frequencies. The sound system described herem shall be eqwpped wth separate poweramphfws for low lmldrangel and high frequency program matenal A dual-channel low-level actwe network shall be prowded to filter program matenal at the designated cr~sswer pomtlsl The Inputs shall be transformerless and symmetrical Dual-m-lme swtchine.shall prowde selectable lowfrequency equahzatlon and subsow flltering The frequency dlwdmg network shall be equipped wth separate output bufferamphfws for lowand high frequency program material Crossover frequency selection shall be accomphshed by Internally mounted plug-m circwt modules Each module shall be deslgned wth the cr~~swer frequency prmted III such a powon as to be easily read through a window m the front panel o

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