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3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ 5I WR %DVHEDQG &RQQHFWLRQV 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ Baseband Block Diagram 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ Audio RFI 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; MIC pads ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ CPU 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; PA vendor detection PA vendor RFMD Philips Hitachi X: Mounted --: NOT mounted 435X194 435F015 Part. no. R312 (PA_vendor2) X --R311 (PA_vendor1) -X -- ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ Power Supply and Charging 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; Only used for DAI-test FINUI/LABEL/POS Nearby SIM FLALI LABEL ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ RF Block 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; RX GSM 1800 RX GSM 900 LOKE antenna connector needs to be added in MGC library. Part Number for connection = ??? ANTENNA PAD's 1800 900 CAN 2 CAN 1 CAN 2 1800 Modulator VCTCXO + VDIG LNA1+LNA2+mixer+DTOS 900 Dividers+LO-buffers+prescaler+Vdd_bb VCO LOKE RF (Gemini Copenhagen) ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ User Interface 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; + BUZZER Pads - LCD LEDs Keypad LEDs UP DOWN 3 0 6 9 £# 2 5 8 Soft-A CLEAR 1 4 7 * POWER ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $ 3$06 7HFKQLFDO 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ Component Layout 6FKHPDWLFV /D\RXWV 8%Y 1+01; ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV 3DJH $

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