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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2K3-0033-C094 1

Kyocera SB-2K3-0033-C094 1 free download

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Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2K3-0033-C094_1.pdf
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(Revised Issue 1) (Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2K3-0033 (C094) July 12, 2012 Subject DVD-ROM Upgrade (VER.2.0) --- KDE Version Model FS-6030MFP, FS-6025MFP, FS6025MFP/B This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. The accurate serial numbers were added. Topic The DVD-ROM (Product Library) for KDE was upgraded to the equivalent to the KM version VER.2.0. Reference [Content of changes in the KM version VER.2.0] No. Item Details CTL 1 Change from CD-ROM- to Two kinds of the CD-ROM are currently used depending on the destination. -- DVD-ROM They were incorporated in a DVD for common use. CD-ROM VER.1.4 DVD VER.2.0 2 KX Driver upgrade The KX Driver was upgraded to the latest version. -- 5.2.1327d 3 Deletion of the XPS-mini driver The XPS-mini driver was deleted since it is no more supported. -- 4 Upgrade of the KPDL mini- - When Finisher (Face Down) is selected as the device option, rotation/sort 517363 driver is now disabled same as in the KX driver. 517413 8.4 [08-01-2011] - When rotated sort is selected, Staple and Offset are now disabled. 518883 5 Mac PPD upgrade The following changes were made for the operability like the KX Driver. -- 10.5 and higher 8.4 [08-01-2011] Main changes) 10.4 and lower 8.4 [08-01-2011] - Implementation of the job settings function - Implementation of the job accounting function - Implementation of the Cover mode/Transparency interleave/Page insert functions - Implementation of the watermark function - Implementation of the user Login function, etc. 6 TWAIN 1.8.1928 When installing in Portuguese, installation might rarely fails. Therefore, -- KM-Net for Direct Printing this was corrected. 2.4.1314 7 KM-Net Viewer upgrade - Printer driver installation in the PC on the network is now supported. -- 5.3.1922c - The MFP supporting HyPAS application can be managed. (Installati

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