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Now downloading free:Kenwood B51-8665-00-EVPL

Kenwood B51-8665-00-EVPL free download

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File name:B51-8665-00-EVPL.pdf
[preview B51-8665-00-EVPL]
Size:188 kB
Model:B51-8665-00-EVPL 🔎
Original:B51-8665-00-EVPL 🔎
Descr: Kenwood 800MHz FM Transceiver 800MHz FM Transceiver Kenwood TK-480 800MHz FM Transceiver Kenwood TK-480 B51-8665-00-EVPL.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name B51-8665-00-EVPL.pdf

TK-480 PARTS LIST New Parts. indicates safety critical components. L : Scandinavia K : USA P : Canada Parts without Parts No. are not supplied. Y : PX (Far East, Hawaii) T : England E : Europe Les articles non mentionnes dans le Parts No. ne sont pas fournis. Y : AAFES (Europe) X: Australia M: Other Areas Teile ohne Parts No. werden nicht geliefert. TK-480 (Y50-4790-21) DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3210-11) New Desti- New Desti- Ref. No. Address parts Parts No. Description Ref. No. Address parts Parts No. Description nation nation TK-480 E 2A,1B N83-2005-46 PAN HEAD TAPTITE SCREW (UNIT) 42 2C N99-2004-05 SCREW SET ACSY 1 1A A02-3659-13 CABINET ASSY (16KEY) 2 2B A62-0981-04 PANEL ASSY 44 3B R31-0617-05 VARIABLE RESISTOR (POWER SW/VOL) 4 2C B09-0363-03 CAP (SP/MIC) ACSY S300 - S70-0414-05 TACT SWITCH 5 2A B38-0892-05 LCD ASSY 6 1B B43-1139-04 BADGE (KENWOOD) 46 1A T07-0714-05 SPEAKER 9 2C B62-1771-00 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 47 2C T90-0636-25 WHIP ANTENNA (800MHZ) ACSY 10 3A B72-2244-04 MODEL NAME PLATE MIC300 1A T91-0579-05 MIC ELEMENT 12 3B E04-0406-05 RF COAXIAL RECEPTACLE (SMA) 49 2B W02-1814-05 ENCODER 15 2B E23-1049-04 TERMINAL (ANT) 50 1D W09-0900-45 BATTERY ASSY ACSY 51 3A E23-1166-04 RELAY TERMINAL 16 2A E37-0672-05 FLAT CABLE (C0NT-TX-RX) DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3210-11) 17 3A E37-0673-05 LEAD WI

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