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REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST(MONITOR) LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION D601 0DD226239AA DIODE,SWITCHING CHIP KDS226 SOT-23 IC D603 0DD184009AA DIODE,SWITCHING KDS184S CHIP 85V 300MA IC001 0IZZVA0021B IC,CXP750010 64 BK MT-42PZ10 VSC D605 0DD184009AA DIODE,SWITCHING KDS184S CHIP 85V 300MA IC002 0IAL241600B IC,AT24C16-10PC 8D EEPROM 16K D606 0DD184009AA DIODE,SWITCHING KDS184S CHIP 85V 300MA IC003 0IFA753307A IC,KA75330ZTA(KA7533ZTA) 3P,TO-92 LD001 0DL200000CA LED,SAM5670(DL-2LRG) BK Y-GREEN - IC004 0IFA754207A IC,KA75420ZTA(KA7542ZTA) 3P,TO-92 LED002 0DL112100AA LED,SR3411(DL-11S2RN1) BK RED - IC005 0IFA754207A IC,KA75420ZTA(KA7542ZTA) 3P,TO-92 LED003 0DL112100AA LED,SR3411(DL-11S2RN1) BK RED - IC101 0IPH827150A IC,P82B715T 8SOP R/TP IIC EXTENDE IC102 0IKE780500D IC,KIA7805P(KIA78005AP),KEC TRANSISTOR IC201 0ISH323422A IC,PQ3RF23 4P(TO-220) 3.3V REGUL IC006 0TR830009BA TR,BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHANNEL IC202 0ISH323422A IC,PQ3RF23 4P(TO-220) 3.3V REGUL IC007 0TR830009BA TR,BSS83 TP PHILIPS NON N-CHANNEL IC203 0IIT323000D IC,VPC3230D QA B4 80P QFP TRAY SO Q001 0TR319809AA TR,KTC3198 TP KEC - - -Y (KTC1815 IC204 0ISM941000A IC,SDA9410 100QFP BK SCAN CONVERT Q001 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC301 0ISH092100B IC,PQ09RD21 4SIP ST REGULATOR Q002 0TR319809AA TR,KTC3198 TP KEC - - -Y (KTC1815 IC302 0ISH323422A IC,PQ3RF23 4P(TO-220) 3.3V REGUL Q002 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC303 0ISO210100B IC,CXA2101AQ 80P,QFP BK VIDEO SIG Q020 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC304 0ITI808300B IC,THS8083 100QFP BK ADC IC PD-40 Q021 0TR387500AA TR,CHIP 2SC3875S(ALY) KEC IC401 0IMR882840B IC,M

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