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LG 077A TRO free download

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Trouble Shooting 3V Q05, IC851, IC802(3), IC856. pin 32 of IC01. 3.3V 0V ICP(V)01. IC01, FR403, FR413, IC852(3), IC854(5), FR406, D405, D406, IC301, D408, D858, Q856. ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. 33V F854, D861, R405. (OPTION) D850, L853, T402. Q401, Q402, T401. C804 pin4 F(P)801, SW(P)801, T1111, T801, R802, DB801. 18V T802, R809, D802. ICP(V)01. 37~39 ICP(V)01. 12 ICP(V)01. CPT PCB ASSY. ICP(V)01, Q124 FR403, FR413, D405, D406. ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. IC301, D301. at pin 44 of ICP(V)01. 3V P502A. at pin 12 of IC01. QP(QV)02, ICP(V)01. at pin 41~43 of ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. ' P901. ICP(V)01, QP(V)04~06. Q2902~2910, VM COIL. ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. IC302. FR402, D404, IC302. R408. Q302, Q303. D401, D402, C405. pin 10 of IC601(SOUND AMP). ICN01. F851, FB853, D850. ICN01. * AM Sound(for FRENCH) ICN01. 1, 3 ICN02. 8 IC601.

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