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Now downloading free:AMD Opteron™ Multiprocessor Systems Running Linux Technical Bulletin for OEMs and Partners

AMD Opteron™ Multiprocessor Systems Running Linux Technical Bulletin for OEMs and Partners free download

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File name:AMD Opteron™ Multiprocessor Systems Running Linux Technical Bulletin for AMD OEMs and Partners.pdf
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File name AMD Opteron™ Multiprocessor Systems Running Linux Technical Bulletin for AMD OEMs and Partners.pdf

AMD OpteronTM Multiprocessor Systems Running Linux Technical Bulletin for AMD OEMs and Partners Symptoms In the process of undergoing rigorous quality control testing in one of our partner's labs, AMD has become aware of an observation that occurred during testing. On rare occasion, while running a highly specialized, custom network exercise tool and only after many hours under extreme conditions in a synthetic environment, a segmentation fault, kernel panic or network transfer error was observed. This issue has not been observed in prior testing by this partner and there are no reports of this occurring in the field. To AMD's knowledge, this has only been seen in this rare, corner case synthetic test environment running Linux and has not been reproduced on any Microsoft

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