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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2LX-0004-B101

Kyocera SB-2LX-0004-B101 free download

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File name:SB-2LX-0004-B101.pdf
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Model:SB-2LX-0004-B101 🔎
Original:SB-2LX-0004-B101 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-3040-3140MFP SERVICEBULLETIN SB-2LX-0004-B101.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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(Page.1/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2LX-0004 (B101) April 18, 2011 Firmware Upgrade (MAIN: Ver.007.010) Subject (FAX: Ver.N05.001 for KTST Specifications) FS-3040_3140MFP_08.00.0010_(2011-02-07) Model FS-3140MFP, FS-3040MFP Topic The firmware was upgraded as follows. Content of Changes No. Item Details CTL FW 1 Elimination of the The encrypt function was eliminated from KTST specs. 523617 MAIN encrypted FAX function *Operation of the encrypt function is disabled. (KTST only) (The encrypt function is substantially unusable since it was disabled on the FAX firmware side since the first production.) 2 533793 MAIN Measure against the DDNS DDNS could not be registered in DHCP. Therefore, this was TC-10-038 registration failure corrected/ 3 Measure against the 533707 MAIN ---------- TP-10-015 garbled letters with a certain NP-Z10007 file containing PJL 4 Measure against the output 533705 MAIN Big 5 font might not be printed. Therefore, this was corrected. TP-090263, failure with Big5 font KMTW2009 0902 5 Measure against the 533691 MAIN Characters might drop out with a certain PCL data. Therefore, this TP-10-257, character dropout with a was correc

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