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Now downloading free:motorola CD CiDeCo E365 A4 C L3 1[1].0 030610085958

motorola CD CiDeCo E365 A4 C L3 1[1].0 030610085958 free download

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File name:CD_CiDeCo_E365_A4_C_L3_1[1].0_030610085958.pdf
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Model:CD CiDeCo E365 A4 C L3 1[1].0 030610085958 🔎
Original:CD CiDeCo E365 A4 C L3 1[1].0 030610085958 🔎
Descr: motorola Mobile Phone E365_sm CD_CiDeCo_E365_A4_C_L3_1[1].0_030610085958.pdf
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E365 Theory of Operation Service Manual Compal Communications, Inc. Baseband function Descriptions 1. Introduction Baby Garnet use TI's chipset (Calypso c035 and IOTA) as base-band solution. Calypso c035 is a GSM digital base-band logic included microprocessor , DSP , and peripheral. IOTA is GSM analog/codec solution. It contains the base-band codec, voice-band codec, several voltage regulators and SIM level shifter etc. The baby garnet add some features such as digital camera , photo sensor , TFT display , sixteen tone melody etc. 2. Base-band block TFT Color Display RF- Base_Band Interface ( RIF) (BBC, APC, AFC,ADAC) 32.768kHz BACKUP BATTERY Ncs2 Tx &Rx I/Q VBACKUP TPUPARALLEL 32.768kHz 13M z H 13M z H Miscellaneous Base band Interface U1 SIM UART_IRDA Regulator UAR O T_M DERN

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