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Now downloading free:Hyundai spare partlist for26 32inch

Hyundai spare partlist for26 32inch free download

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Breakable and Maintenance Parts for LS08 Series CHD-W260F8 Breakable Assembly Assembly NO. Name PCB Number Ratio Code Number 1. Front frame 8807400311J JUJ8.074.031-1 0.1 2. Faceplate 8808100160J JUJ8.081.016 0.1 3. Back cover 8807400501J JUJ8.074.050-1 0.1 4. Base decoration board 8735600050J JUJ7.356.005 0.1 5. Base 8807000130J JUJ8.070.013 0.1 6. Main board assembly 86690003521J JUJ6.690.035-21 PCB JUJ7.820.088 1 7. AV board assembly 8669300150J JUJ6.693.015 PCB JUJ7.820.103 0.5 8. TV board assembly 8669700040J JUJ6.697.004 PCB JUJ7.820.128 1 Remote receive board 9. assembly 8669400180J JUJ6.694.018 PCB JUJ7.820.104 0.5 Key-press board 10. assembly 8669400190J JUJ6.694.019 PCB JUJ7.820.091 0.5 11. Buttons 8833700110J JUJ8.337.011 0.1 Built-in power supply 12. 0.1 module 68212600105 LC260W01 13. LCD display screen 8289100063E TMI4-C22P2RW 1 14. Electronic tuner 8289100454E TAD5-C2IP1RW 1 15. Electronic tuner 56224605080 Y2929-01-5W-8 2 16. Electric speaker 562D6608082 Y50138-01-8W-8 2 17. Electric speaker 8201803760L KLC5B 1 18. Remote controller CHD-W270F8 Breakable Assembly NO. Name Assembly Code PCB NO. Ratio Number 1 Front frame 8807400310J JUJ8.074.031 0.1 2 Suspending screen 8864000190J JUJ8.640.019 0.1 3 Back cover 8807400341J JUJ8.074.034-1 0.1 4 Base decoration board 8735600050J JU

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