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Now downloading free:Rolsen LA7841

Rolsen LA7841 free download

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Ordering number: EN5148B Monolithic Linear IC LA7841 Vertical Deflection Output Circuit Overview Package Dimensions unit : mm The LA7841 is a vertical deflection output IC for TVs and CRT displays with excellent image quality that use a BUS 3075-SIP7H control system signal processing IC. This IC can drive the direct (even including a DC component) deflection yoke with [LA7841] the sawtooth wave output from the BUS control system signal processing IC. When used in conjunction with Sanyo's LA7615 series of BUS control system signal processing ICs for TVs, this IC can process all color television signal system functions through the BUS system. Because the maximum deflection current is 2.2 Ap-p, the LA7841 is suited for large screen sets. Features . Low power dissipation due to built-in pump-up circuit . Vertical output circuit . Thermal protection circuit built in . Excellent crossover characteristics SANYO : SIP7H . DC coupling possible Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25

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