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Brandt serie T30 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:T30 serie VCR X1000.part1.rar
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Model:serie T30 🔎
Original:X1000 🔎
Descr:VCR Mechanism Unit: Thomson Brandt, Ferguson.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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THOMSON Brandt FERGUSON SERVICE MANUAL DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE DOKUMENTATION DOCUMENTAZIONE TECNICA DOCUMENTACION TECNICA M U LT I MEDIA THOMSON X1000 (DECK MECHANISM) WARNING : Before servicing this chassis please read the safety recommendations. ATTENTION : Avant toute intervention sur ce châssis, lire les recommandations de sécurité. ACHTUNG : Vor jedem Eingriff auf iesem Chassis, die Sicherheitsvorschriffen lesen. ATTENZIONE : Prima di intervenire sullo chassis, leggere le norme di sicurezza. IMPORTANTE : Antes de cualquier intervención, leer las recomendaciones de seguridad. CONTENTS 1. Description Of The Mechanism...2 2. Assembly Diagram & Major Parts Check ...5 3. Disassembly & Replacement...12 4. Mechanical Adjustmen ...18 5. Adjustment Of Tape Transporting System ...21 6. Exploded View & Parts List ...26 7. Parts List ...30 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE MECHANISM 1-1 Characteristic Of the T-Mecha Deck Mechanism 1) T-Mecha Deck follows the VHS standard. 2) T-Mecha Deck uses three motors(Drum motor, Capstan motor and L/C motor) 3) T-Mecha Deck uses L/C motor to drive Front Loading. 4) T-Mecha Deck recognizes each mode by using a 4-Bit Mode signal. This 4-Bit Mode signal is generated by the Cam Switch which is driven by the L/C Motor. 5) T-Mecha Deck is operated by 6 Modes(Eject/Initial/Review/Idle/Play, Stop,Slow/Brake/FF&Rewind). 6) T-Mecha Deck reduces the mode shifting time, that is, picture playing time by using the Full Loading System that has the Drum wrapped by the tape. 7) T-mecha Deck is seperated from the Main PCB. When assembling, it is connected by B-B Type connector. The Capstan motor and Drum output of T-mecha Deck and the Main PCB are directly connected without using cable. 1-2 Timming Chart 2 1-3 Wire Diagram & Connector pin Arrangement 3 2. ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM & MAJOR PARTS CHECK 2-1. ASSEMBLING DIAGRAM 2-1-1) DECK ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM A. UPPER VIEW 1. MAINBASE ASS'Y 2. DRUM ASS'Y 3. FE HEAD 4. S SLANT POLE ASS'Y 5. THENSION BAND ASS'Y 6. S BRAKE ASS'Y 7. S REEL TABLE 8. REEL BRKT TOTAL ASS'Y 9. IDLER PLATE TOTAL ASS'Y 10. T BRAKE ASS'Y 11. FL RACK 12 REALAY LEVER 13 CAPSTAN MOTOR 14 LC BRKT ASS'Y 15 PINCH LEVER TOTAL ASS'Y 16 CAM GEAR 17 AC HEAD ASS'Y 18 T SLANT POLE ASS'Y 19 HEAD CLEANER 4 B. BOTTOM VIEW 20. L LOADING ASS'Y 21. R LOADING ASS'Y 22. CONNECT PLATE 23. REEL BELT 24. LOADING RACK 5 2-1-2)

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