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Now downloading free:Voltcraft AO-610

Voltcraft AO-610 free download

Oscilloscopes, digital oscilloscopes, Tektronix oscilloscopes, cathode ray ocilloscopes, pc oscilloscopes service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:voltcraft_ao_610_an__eink__os.pdf
[preview AO-610]
Size:94 kB
Model:AO-610 🔎 AO610
Descr:Hi Guys, im looking for a schematic or any other information on the Voltcraft AO-610 oscilloscope. Any info would be great, all i have is the user manual. update: just uploaded the Schematic
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment > Oscilloscopes
Multipart:No multipart

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File name voltcraft_ao_610_an__eink__os.pdf

1 2 3 4 C102 1000P/500V +5V +12V S3A + +12V +5V D X2 R107 - D C101 V102 3.9K R102 R103 +5V +5V x 3 2N5485 R108 C110 470K 100 TO 1V158 0.047u 9.1K EXT INPUT R123 D1 XOR TRIG R101 V101 V103 V112 V113 R124 C109 47u 1M 1N4148 C103 R104 R128 74LS00 2SA733 430 1N4148 1N4148 1.5K 6.2K 4 0.01u 1000P -12V 1.5K V114 V116 V

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