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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-COM-0238-B206

Kyocera SB-COM-0238-B206 free download

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File name:SB-COM-0238-B206.pdf
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Size:80 kB
Model:SB-COM-0238-B206 🔎
Original:SB-COM-0238-B206 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-COM-0238-B206.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-COM-0238-B206.pdf

(Page.1/1) Service Bulletin Ref. No. COM-0238 (B206) July 11, 2011 Subject CD-ROM Upgrade FS-6030MFP, FS-6025MFP, FS-6025MFP/B, FS-C8020MFP, Model FS-C8025MFP Topic The CD-ROM (Document Library) was upgraded as follows. FS-6030MFP, FS-6025MFP and FS-6025MFP/B KM Ver.1.4 / UTAX/TA Ver.1.2 FS-C8020MFP and FS-C8025MFP KM Ver.1.3 / UTAX/TA Ver.1.2 Content of Changes No. Item Details Ver. 1 Revision of the Operation For the color machines: Color Guide - The troubleshooting was added after the developer refresh menu was added. 1.3/1.2 A - The illustration for the toner container replacement was changed.B-1/B-2 Common content: B/W - The illustration for the waste toner box replacement was changed.C 1.4/1.2 - A note when refilling the staples was added. D A: The description how to execute the developer refresh (DEV-CLN) was added in case of image failures such as faint print and partially faint image or blurred image at intervals. B-1: B-2 Box added Toner container added Old New C: D: The description below was added as a note when taking out the staple cartridge holder. Check that the cartridge holder is back to the original position and open the staple cover to take out the cartridge holder. KMC's Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit In-Field modification by case No modification necessary Field Measure: No particular problem is expected. Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: After using up the old stock KYOCERA MITA Europe B.V. European Service & Development Center (ESDC)

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