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Now downloading free:Kyocera 2J0-011

Kyocera 2J0-011 free download

Service manuals and repair information about laser, dot matrix, label printer and ink jet printers of different makes: HP, Canon, Epson, Ricoh, Star, Xerox, Okidata

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Model:2J0-011 🔎 2J0011
Original:2J0-011 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6970 ServiceBulletins 2J0-011.pdf
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Service Bulletin SB Number: SB 2J0-011 Creation Date: 30/09/2010 Subject: Failure to install the toner container in the machine FS-2000D/3900DN/4000DN/6950DN/2020D/3920DN/4020DN/ Model: 6970DN/3040MFP/3140MFP Phenomenon After removing the toner container from the packing material sideways, it may be impossible to install the toner container in the machine, due to obstruction from the left side of the toner container. Cause The shutter gear leading edge gets behind the stopper of the toner container. Solution 1. The shape of the shutter gear leading edge has been changed from 1.5mm to 2.5mm. 2. To prevent the possibility to remove the toner container sideways from the packing material, the packing material has been changed. Classification Entire stock rework X In-field modification by case No modification necessary In-field modification at next visit Field measure When the above mentioned phenomenon occurs, please check if the shutter gear leading edge is behind the stopper. Serial numbers of affected machines Type Serial number FS-2000D/3900DN/4000DN/6950DN/2020D/3920DN/ Not available 4020DN/6970DN/3040MFP/3140MFP Toner container. Old condition: The New condition: The leading edge of the thickness of the leading Shutter gear may be edge of the Shutter gear stuck behind the stopper. has been changed. Old thickness: 1.5mm. New thickness: 2.5mm. Shutter gear Stopper KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe Page 1 of 2 A266 / SB 2J0-011 Service Bulletin Correct: Open the left and right flaps on top of the packing material and remove the toner container. Wrong: When removing the toner container sideways, the above mentioned phenomenon may occur. Old condition: The toner container can New condition: The toner container

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