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Kyocera 2F8-036 free download

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File name:2F8-036.pdf
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Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6970 ServiceBulletins 2F8-036.pdf
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Service Bulletin SB Number: SB 2F8-036 Creation Date: 29/11/2011 Subject: Added cable tie for the latest type of the motor wire (FD assy) FS-2000D/3900DN/4000DN/6950DN/2020D/3920DN/4020DN/ Model: 6970DN Contents 1. The new motor wire of the latest type of the FD assy Sp, is 40mm longer than the old type of the motor wire. This is to make the motor wire common with other models. To tie the latest type of the motor wire to the nearby wires, the cable tie has been bundled with the latest type of the FD assy SP. Please remove the unused part of the cable tie, after tying the motor wire to the nearby wires. 2. Due to the above mentioned change, a leaflet has been bundled with the latest type of the FD assy SP. Tie the motor wire with the cable tie Nearby wires Connect board R Nearby wires Tie the motor wire with the cable tie New FD assy New FD assy motor wire motor wire Connect board R Parts No. Old Parts New Parts Description Q'TY Interchange- Applicable No. No. ability model(s) Old New Old New 1 302F794025 302F794026 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-6950DN 2F794025 2F794026 2 302F894014 302F894015 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-2000D 2F894014 2F894015 3 302F994025 302F994026 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-3900DN 2F994025 2F994026 4 302J094020 302J094021 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-2020D 2J094020 2J094021 KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe Page of 2 B272 / SB 2F8-036 Service Bulletin 5 302J194010 302J194011 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-3920DN/ 2J194010 2J194011 4020DN 6 302J594072 302J594073 FD ASSY SP 1 1 O O FS-6970DN 2J594072 2J594073 7 302F944130 302F944131

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