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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2K3-0027-B446

Kyocera SB-2K3-0027-B446 free download

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File name:SB-2K3-0027-B446.pdf
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Size:164 kB
Model:SB-2K3-0027-B446 🔎
Original:SB-2K3-0027-B446 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2K3-0027-B446.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2K3-0027-B446.pdf

(Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2K3-0027 (B446) December 21, 2011 Subject Measures against the J9000 Jam (No Original Feed Jam) FS-C8020MFP, FS-C8025MFP, FS-6025FP, FS-6025MFP/B, Model FS-6030MFP Phenomenon The DP feed roller does not descend and the J9000 (No original feed jam) may appear. Cause If high stack of originals is forcibly pushed in, the stopper holding the leading edge of the originals hits the seal on the top cover rib and sticks to it. If feeding from the DP is started in this state, the DP feed roller does not descend enough, which causes J9000 (No original feed jam). Corrective Measures The seal affixed to the top cover rib on the machine rear side was removed in order to limit the adherence between the stopper and the top cover rib. Top cover rib Top cover rib X Stopper Seal removed Stopper (Machine rear) [When originals are inserted] The DP feed roller descends and [Before originals are inserted] the stopper is separated from the The DP feed roller is lifted up and the stopper top cover rib. descends while the point marked X on the stopper contacts the top cover rib. *For more details on the mechanism, please refer to the next page. Q'ty Com pati- Old Part New Part bi lity No. No. No. Description Remarks Old New Old New 303M894050 303M894051 1 PARTS COVER PF ASSY SP 1 1 X O 3M894050 3M894051 *Please use the new part for the new models. KYOCERA MITA Europe B.V. European Service & Development Center (ESDC) (Page.2/2) Service Bulletin

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