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Now downloading free:Akai CFT-2716

Akai CFT-2716 free download

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Model:CFT-2716 🔎 CFT2716
Original:CFT-2716 🔎
Descr: Akai CFT CFT-2716 CFT-2716.pdf
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SERVICE MANUAL Model: CFT2716 Safety Instructions Features & Specifications Block Diagram Circuit Diagram Disassembly Pin Descriptions Exploded View Diagram Spare Part List This manual is the latest at the time of printing, and does not include the modification which may be made after the printing, by the constant improvement of product. Downloaded from manuals search engine IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY INFORMATION Operating the receiver outside of its cabinet or with its back removed involves a shock hazard. Work on these models should only be performed by those who are thoroughly familiar with precautions necessary when working on high voltage equipment. Exercise care when servicing this chassis with power applied. Many B plus and high voltage RF terminals are exposed which, if carelessly contacted, can cause serious shock or result in damage to the chassis. Maintain interconnecting ground lead connections between chassis, escutcheon, picture tube dag and tuner when operating chassis. These receivers have a "polarized" AC line cord. The AC plug is designed to fit into standard AC outlets in one direction only. The wide blade connects to the "ground side" and the narrow blade connects to the hot "side" of the AC line. This assures that the TV receiver is properly grounded to the house wiring. If an extension cord must be used, make sure it is of the "polarized" type. Since the chassis of this receive is connected to one side of the AC supply during operation, service should not be attempted by anyone not familiar with the precautions necessary when working on these types of equipment. When it is necessary to make measurements or tests with AC power applied to the receiver chassis, an Isolation Transformer must be used as a safety precaution and to prevent possible damage to transistors. The Isolation Transformer should be connected between the TV line cord plug and the AC power outlet.

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