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NEW TECHNOLOGY COLOR TELEVISION SYSTEM DX4P CHASSIS DX4P TG Central Processing Unit -1- Figure 1. Central Processing Unit Block Diagram Signal Processing -2- Figure 2. Signal Processing Block diagram DX4P TG Y/C Separator The Importance of a Comb Filter The luminance and chroma information are mixed in bandpass filter limits the amount of usable luminance the composite TV signal and must be separated so the information and lowers the picture resolution. TV can properly use each portion. A color TV that does A comb filter separates the luminance and chroma in a not have a comb filter can separate the luminance from different, more selective method which allows the TV to the chroma by using a bandpass filter. However, a use more of the luminance and maintain more detail. Figure 3. Y/C Separation Block Diagram The Y/C separator uses the configuration shown in The diagonal resolution improvement circuit improves Fig. 3. After a non delayed signal, a 1H delayed signal, the diagonal resolution of the Y signal. Meanwhile, 3 and a 2H delayed signal pass through band pass filter line C passes through the cross color canceller and is BPF1, they enter a 3 line comb filter. The 3 line comb output as a C signal. filter outputs a C signal called 3 line C. The output The C signal BPF and Y signal notch filter signal of the dot canceller switches BPF-C which is the characteristics can be switched between narrow band C signal output from 3 line C and BPF-1 and outputs a and broad band. Both become broad band using 0 and Y signal. narrow band using 1. DX4P TG -3- RGB Signal Processing -4- Figure 4. RGB Signal Flow Block diagram DX4P TG RGB signal processing White Character Correction Circuit OSD Insertion Circuit White character correction expresses clear white 1. Input signal characters by increasing the B-Y signal level of areas Color is displayed using three signals, 4 bit, R,G where there is no color and the brightness level is high, and B. 4096 colors can be displayed. The OSD and converting to a whiter telop character. signal can be inserted at a synthesis ratio with any video signal according to the a blending signal (4 Black Level Correction Circuit bits) from the microcontroller. The video signal is The black level correction circuit detects the blackest

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