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Electrovoice ZxA1 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:Electrovoice ZXA1.pdf
[preview ZxA1]
Size:3437 kB
Model:ZxA1 🔎
Original:ZxA1-Sub 🔎
Descr:Electro Voice ZxA1 Series Loudspeaker Owner’s Manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Electrovoice ZXA1.pdf

ZxA1 Series Loudspeaker Owner's Manual ZxA1 ZxA1-Sub Important Safety Instructions CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral DO NOT OPEN triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of WARNING: TOREDUCETHERISKOFFIREORELECTRIC electric shock to persons. SHOCK,DONOTEXPOSETHISAPPLIANCETO The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended RAINORMOISTURE. to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature AVIS: RISQUEDECHOCELECTRIQUE.NEPASOUVRIR. accompanying the appliance. The asterisk within an equilateral triangle is intended to inform WARNING: CONNECTONLYTOMAINSSOCKETWITH the user to necessary installation or removal instructions PROTECTIVEEARTHINGCONNECTION. regarding equipment or hardware use relating to the system. 1. Readtheseinstructions. 2. Keeptheseinstructions. 3. Heedallwarnings. 4. Followallinstructions. 5. Donotusethisapparatusnearwater. 6. Cleanonlywithadrycloth. 7. Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Installinaccordancewiththemanufacturersinstructions. 8. Donotinstallnearanyheatsourcessuchasradiators,heatregisters,stoves,orotherapparatus(includingamplifiers)thatproduce heat. 9. Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthepolarizedorgrounding-typeplug.Apolarizedplughastwobladeswithonewiderthantheother. Agroundingtypeplughastwobladesandathirdgroundingprong.Thewidebladeorthethirdprongareprovidedforyoursafety.Ifthe providedplugdoesnotfitintoyouroutlet,consultanelectricianforreplacementoftheobsoleteoutlet. 10. Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinchedparticularlyatplugs,conveniencereceptacles,andthepointwheretheyexit fromtheapparatus. 11. Onlyuseattachments/acces

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