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Now downloading free:Fly Bird DS400 2

Fly Bird DS400 2 free download

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File name:FLY BIRD DS400 2.pdf
[preview DS400 2]
Size:1343 kB
Mfg:Fly Bird
Model:DS400 2 🔎
Original:DS400 2 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Fly Bird Mobile Phones FLY BIRD DS400 FLY BIRD DS400 2.pdf
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name FLY BIRD DS400 2.pdf

DG12BT (FLY DS400) Code Download Steps 1. Install driver You have to install Driver first. 2. Download by Flash_tool.exe Step1 Power off the phone. Step2 Run Flash_tool.exe. Step3 Setup [Download Agent]: In [Picture 1], click [Download Agent]such as: 1choose file "MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin" from the pop-up windowthe name and path will appear in [Download Agent] areasuch as: 5 [Picuture 1] 1 Step4 Setup [Scatter-loading]: In [Picture 1], click [Scatter-loading]such as2choose file "scat.txt" from the pop-up windowthe name and path will appear in [Scatter-loading File] areasuch as6 Step5 Setup [Auth File]: In [Picture 1], click [Scatter-loading]such as3choose file "TEST_AUTH_MTK.auth" from the pop-up windowthe name and path will appear in [Authentication File] areasuch as7 Step6 Setup [ROM] bin code In [Picture 1] : check on the box in front of [ROM]then click [ROM] such as8 and choose related bin file from the pop-up window, the name and path will appear in [ROM] areasuch as9 Step7 Setup [Baud rate]: Click [Options -- Baud rate]choose 921600 Step8 Connect the phone and PC with GSM download cable, then check the COM port. After connect the USB port to the PC, right-click 'my computer' icon on PC desktop and select 'Manage'. An interface will pop up, you can select 'Device Management' on the left region and open 'Ports (COM&LPT)' on the right region. Then check the icon similar with the following blue icon, the related COM port will display after it (for example: COM3).,please remember it. 2 Step9 Setup [COM port] Click[Options -- COM port]choose COM accordinglyegCOM3 Step10 Modify [Format FAT] value Click [Options -- Format FAT]select "Auto Format FAT"save. 3 Step11 Download: In [Picture 1], click[Download]such as4. Step12 Long press Power key on mobile, and relax after the program starts. 4 Step13 This window as below will appear after Download OK. 5

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