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Page 1 of 2 RN SERIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Data Category Field Modification Trouble-Shooting General Information Safety Advice DISTRIBUTED TO : All Distributors DATE : 13 April, 2001 MODEL : All "RN" models ISSUE : RNT-013 Our Ref.: C1-1218 NO. Proceeding Grade Parts Compatibility Handling of Modified Parts Action ASAP Compatible Free of Charge Action as given below Conditionally Compatible Conditionally Chargeable Action if required Not Compatible Chargeable Refer in need Old Obsolete SUBJECT: 021-16075-205 Ink Cartridge Guide (Bottom) Brief: One of the plastic boss with screw hole is made 1 millimeter longer. Reason: The modification is to prevent the ink dripping from the nozzle of the Ink Bottle. Looking through the tunnel made by the Ink Cartridge Guide (Top) and Ink Cartridge Guide (Bottom), when joined together, the inner bottom surface of the tunnel should be either flat (level) between the Ink Cartridge Guides (Top) and (Bottom), or Ink Cartridge Guide (Bottom) higher than the (Top). This allows smooth insertion of the Ink Bottle though the tunnel. If the Ink Cartridge Guide (Bottom) is lower than the Ink Cartridge Guide (Top) at the bottom inner surface of the tunnel, the Ink Bottle will hit the ridge and will not allow smooth Ink Bottle insertion. If the front edge of the Ink Bottle, during the insertion, knocks against the ridge made at the junction point of the Ink Cartridge Guide (Top) and (Bottom), the ink tends to spill out from the nozzle of the Ink Bottle. Though the spill (drip) of the ink may be little, the amount of the ink spill may add up if it is repeated. To add to the knocking action, if there is a high ridge, the machine operator will insert the ink bottle with more force or speed necessary to insert the Ink Bottle in place. This too much force or speed will cause the nozzle of the Ink Bottle to hit hard against the ink intake nozzle of the Drum. This impact of the two nozzles will also cause the ink to drip down from the nozzles. The Ink Bottle must be inserted slowly and gently through the Ink Cartridge Guides to prevent the ink spillage. Modification: The plastic boss on the Ink Cartridge Guide (Bottom), with the screw thread inside, is made 1 millimeter longer to ensure that when the Ink Cartridge Guides (Top) and (Bottom) are joined, both are either flat against each other or the Ink Cartridge

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