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Nikon F45 free download

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File name:F45.PDF
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Size:519 kB
Model:F45 🔎
Original:F45 🔎
Descr: Nikon Cameras NIKON_F4 F45.PDF
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video cameras
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TOOL INSTRUCTION SERVICE DEPT 1. Name ------------------------ Viewfinder mounting rail adjustment tool 2. Purpose -------------------" To adjust the space between viewfinder mounting rails of F4. 3. How to adjust ----- Unfasten two screws on the rail of film advance side. Then insert the tool between the rails as shown below . (The shorter side of the tool is the standard space between the rails.) Push firmly the rail of film advance side toward the rewind side, and secure it with screws . Insert the tool in this direction. 0 0 Standard space between rails TOOL INSTRUCTION SERVICE DEPT \ ,. J1.52f3' ():"] 1. NAME: Z LENS HOLDER J15280 2. PURPOSE: To adjust "Z" in AP SLR camera 3. HOW TO ASSEMBLE: P 1) Mounting Standard Lens for Z Adjustment (J18183) a) Remove the meter coupling shoe attached on the aperture ring of J18183. b) Remove adhesive agent from the circumference of the aperture index ring (silver ring) of J18183. (Do not remove adhesive from the sides of the ring.) c) Unfasten three screws on the tube of J15280 with a hexagonal wrench, so that they do not protrude from the inner surface of the tube. d) Set J18183 on J15280 as shown below and fasten screws. t 1 \J-& 4 0" \L Set the index on the lens here (at 90

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