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Philips 78540240a4 free download

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Size:1305 kB
Model:78540240a4 🔎
Original:78540240a4 🔎
Descr: Philips Symptom Cure 2001-02 SymptomCure references ST00-0046
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Colour Television Chassis L9.1A AA 00.02 5 In the 21PT3942 and the two new 21" sets, 21PT3956 & 21PT3962, the mono-carrier PCB-layout L9.1A is introduced to increase the audio power. Entering the SDM has changed. By connecting pin 20 to ground at cold start. Entering the SAM has changed. Shorting pin M28 and M29 is no longer valid. For the 21PT3942 one new panel is added:

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