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Now downloading free:Aiwa Service HV-FX8200

Aiwa Service HV-FX8200 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:0000-0001-8200.pdf
[preview HV-FX8200]
Size:1712 kB
Mfg:Aiwa Service
Model:HV-FX8200 🔎 HVFX8200
Original:09-007-347-2T6 🔎
Descr:Video Recorder VHS - mech. D33K-4HF/PAL-HREW(6721R-0251A) - pag. 19
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
Multipart:No multipart

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File name 0000-0001-8200.pdf

HV-FX8200 EH HV-FX7700 EH HV-FX5700 EH HV-FX990 Z HV-GX915 Z STEREO VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER <8200/7700/5700> VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER<990/915> SERVICE MANUAL · Replace this Service Manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. BASIC VIDEO MECHANISM :D33K-4HF/PAL-HREW(6721R-0251A)<8200> :D33K-4HF/PAL(6721R-0250A)<7700/5700> :D33K-4HD-25/PAL(6721R-0230F)<990> :D33K-2HD/PAL-VCR(6721R-0212A)<915> S/M Code No. 09-007-347-2T6 SIM LE P A AT D MAIN PARTS LIST - 1 NOTE: The characters in the suffix column indicate the part usage. FX8200EH ...XX...A... FX5700EH ...XX...B... GX915Z ...XX...C... FX990Z ...XX...D... FX7700EH ...XX...E... REF.NO 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 002 003 003 003 004 009 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 027 028 029 029 031 032 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 059 060 061 062 062 063 064 077 078 079 100 101 104 115 116 250 250 275 275 275 277 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 284 PARTS NO. NO. DESCRIPTION DRUM ASSY SUB D33-2CH DRUM ASSY SUB D33-2CH DRUM ASSY SUB D33 DRUM ASSY SUB D33-4CH PAL DRUM ASSY SUB D33-6CH DRUM ASSY SUB D33-6CH PAL CABLE,FLAT UL2896 MOTOR(MECH)DRUM HOLDER FPC HOLDER FPC HOLDER FPC(6CH) CAP,FPC ARM ASSY T/UP(D-33K) ARM ASSY TENSION (D-33K) BASE ASSY P2 BASE ASSY P3 BASE ASSY P4 OPENER LID BASE ASS A/C HEAD REEL S SPRING SB BRAKE ASSY S SPRING TB BRAKE ASSY T HEAD FE D33 SUPPORTER CST ARM ASSY IDLER GEAR WHEEL REEL T ARM ASSY PINCH PINCH ARM ASSY SPRING TENSION CHASSIS ASSY D33 BELT CAPSTAN MOTOR(MECH) GUIDE RACK F/L GEAR RACK F/L GEAR DRIVE GEAR,CAM GEAR CONNECT SPRING CAPSTAN F/R LEVER CLUTCH ASSY D33K GEAR H-UP/D-K GEAR,UP/D33K SPRING UP/D GEAR SECTOR PLATE SLIDER LEVER TENSION BASE,TENSION(D-33K) PLATE ASSY TOP BRACKET SIDE(L) GUIDE CST SPRING SWITCH LEVER SWITCH CASE,TOP PANEL ASSY,FRONT(7700EH) HOLDER LED HOLDER DIGITRON HOLDER DIGITRON KNOB ASSY SHUTTLE DOOR CST EVNT DOOR CST(BFA408P) DOOR CST(990LE) DOOR CST(935LE) DOOR CST(915LE) DOOR CST(955K) DOOR CST(935K) DOOR CST(GX915Z) DOOR CST(GX911Z) DOOR CST DOOR CST(7700K) DOOR CST(7700Z) DOOR CST(7700KH) DOOR CST(7700EH) DOOR CST(5700LE) DOOR CST(7250EH) DOOR CST(FX710K) DOOR CST(FX5350EH) DOOR CST(VCR) DOOR CST(BFA929NI-AIWA) SPR,DOOR SUFFIX ...E... ... ...D... ... ABC... ... ABCDE... ABCDE... ...E... ...D... ABC... ABCDE... ABCD... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE... ABCDE...

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