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Now downloading free:ricoh 2050 FSM

ricoh 2050 FSM free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

File information:
File name:2050_FSM.ZIP
[preview 2050 FSM]
Size:6423 kB
Model:2050 FSM 🔎
Original:2050 FSM 🔎
Descr: ricoh Copiers FT 2050_2070 2050_FSM.ZIP
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name 2050_FSM.ZIP

RICOH RICOH F T 2 0 5 0 / 2 0 7 0 FIELD SERVICE MANUAL RICOH COMPANY LTD. CONTENTS SECTION 1 : INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2: UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION SECTION 3: PREPARATIONS FOR TRANSPORTING THE COPIER SECTION 4: SERVICE TABLES AND REMARKS SECTION 5: REPLACEMENT AND ADJUSTMENT SECTION 6: SORTER CS1040 SECTION 7: DOCUMENT FEEDER DF36 SECTION 8: TROUBLE SHOOTING SECTION 9: ELECTRICAL DATA CAUTIONS 1. Before installing the machine, make sure that there is a suitable ground (earth) available. 2. Since some parts of the copier are supplied with high voltage, make sure the main switch is off and the power supply cord is unpluged before working on the copier. 3. When working on the fusing section, make sure that the fusing unit is cold. 4. When standing the clamshell straight up, place a block that has a height of approximately 80 mm (approx. 3") in front of the exit cover. 5. Do not turn on the safety switch when the clamshell is open. SECTION 1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 1-1. Environment 1. Temperature Range : 10

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