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Now downloading free:Minolta PM Table

Minolta PM Table free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:PM Table 🔎
Original:PM Table 🔎
Descr: Minolta Copiers EP1054 orig_man PM_Table.pdf
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
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FrameMaker Ver.5.5E(PC) EP1054/EP1085/EP2030 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 98.09.25 EP1054/EP1085/EP2030 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE This Maintenance Schedule is intended to be used as reference information for establishing effective field service activi- ties. To keep the copier in as optimum a condition as possible, it is recommended that the maintenance jobs described in this schedule be carried out. It should be noted, however, that frequency of maintenance jobs determined by the number of copies is simply a guide- line. Therefore, service management personnel can revise or amend this schedule by taking into account their own indi- vidual field experiences. We feel that this will ensure more effective copier maintenance for your customers. * The time interval (the number of copiers produced) at which each component is cleaned or replaced is determined based on the average service life of the component. More or less frequent cleaning or replacement will be necessary depending on the actual image quality and paper passage performance. NOTE: All information in this Maintenance Schedule is subject to change without prior notice. C : Cleaning R : Replacement Unit: 1000 Copies FrameMaker Ver.5.5E(PC) EP1054/EP1085/EP2030 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 98.09.25 PM Parts List q PAPER TAKE-UP SECTION q OPTICAL SECTION K=1,000 copies Maintenance Cycle (60K) PM Parts Parts No. QTY Disassembly Page Clean Replace Paper Take-Up Roll r 300 1151-3001-01 1 D-11 Multi Bypass Table Paper Take-Up Roll r

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