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Now downloading free:EmbeddedArtists lpc17xx xpr bb 140609

EmbeddedArtists lpc17xx xpr bb 140609 free download

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CMSIS : Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ========================================================== CMSIS defines for a Cortex-M Microcontroller System: * A common way to access peripheral registers and a common way to define exception vectors. * The register names of the Core Peripherals and the names of the Core Exception Vectors. * An device independent interface for RTOS Kernels including a debug channel. By using CMSIS compliant software components, the user can easier re-use template code. CMSIS is intended to enable the combination of software components from multiple middleware vendors. This project contains appropriate files for this MCU family taken from CMSIS. A full copy of the CMSIS files can be found within your tools installation directory. More information on CMSIS can be found at:

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