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Rolsen PCA8516P free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCA8516 Stand-alone OSD Preliminary specification 1995 Mar 30 File under Integrated Circuits, IC14 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Stand-alone OSD PCA8516 CONTENTS 14 DEFAULT VALUES AFTER POWER-ON-RESET 1 FEATURES 15 LIMITING VALUES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 16 DC CHARACTERISTICS 3 ORDERING INFORMATION 17 AC CHARACTERISTICS 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM 18 PACKAGE OUTLINES 5 PINNING INFORMATION 19 SOLDERING 5.1 Pinning 19.1 Introduction 5.2 Pin description 19.2 DIP 6 SERIAL I/O 19.3 SO 6.1 I2C-bus serial interface 20 DEFINITIONS 6.2 High-speed serial interface (HIO) 21 LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS 7 CHARACTER FONTS 22 PURCHASE OF PHILIPS I2C COMPONENTS 7.1 Character font address map 7.2 Character font ROM 8 DISPLAY RAM ORGANIZATION 8.1 Description of display RAM codes 8.2 Loading character data into display RAM 8.3 Writing character data to display RAM 9 COMMANDS 9.1 Command 0 9.2 Command 1 9.3 Command 2 9.4 Command 3 9.5 Command 4 9.6 Command 5 9.7 Command 6 9.8 Command 7 9.9 Command 8 9.10 Command 9 9.11 Command A 9.12 Commands B, C and D 9.13 Command E 9.14 Command F 9.15 Command G 10 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 Space and Carriage Return Codes in different Background/Shadowing modes 10.2 Combination of character font cells 11 OSD CLOCK 12 OSD CLOCK SELECTION FOR DIFFERENT TV STANDARDS 12.1 OSD frequency 12.2 Maximum number of characters per row 12.3 Maximum number of rows per frame 13 OUTPUT PORTS 13.1 Mask options 1995 Mar 30 2 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Stand-alone OSD PCA8516 1 FEATURES

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