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Now downloading free:Kenwood NX-240V2 Updater V311

Kenwood NX-240V2 Updater V311 free download

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Size:2129 kB
Model:NX-240V2 Updater V311 🔎
Original:NX-240V2 Updater V311 🔎
Descr: Kenwood Radios
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > Radios
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NX-240 / 240V / 248 / 340 / 340U / 348 Version 2 NEXEDGE (K,M,P,C type models) Firmware Updater Ver.2.01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION ! This firmware is applicable ONLY for the following Version 2 hardware. Models (Types) Applicable Serial Numbers NX-240 (K, M, M2 ,P ,C) NX-240V (K) NX-248 (C) S/NO.B52xxxxx or later. NX-340 (K, M) NX-340U (K) NX-340 (K2, K3 ,M2, M3, P, C, C6) NX-340U (K2) NX-348 (C6) S/NO.B54xxxxx or later. The Version 2 hardware has an indication on the rear panel model name plate as follows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Version 1 hardware, please apply the Ver.1.xx firmware. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE This Firmware Updater runs on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 operating system. The .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) must be installed to run this Firmware Updater. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To overwrite firmware by this Firmware Updater, do not need to enter firmware programming mode manually as well as writing programming data using KPG-xxxD. It may take about 1 minute to update the firmware. *Do not operate the target radio's PTT, knobs, or other keys while updating the firmware.It might cause an unexpected fatal corruption not only for firmware programming area but also for MPU boot area or other memory areas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firmware Copyrights The title to and ownership of copyrights for firmware embedded in KENWOOD product memories are reserved for JVC KENWOOD Corporation. Any modifying, reverse engineering, copying, reproducing or disclosing on an Internet website of the firmware is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of JVC KENWOOD Corporation. Furthermore, any reselling, assigning or transferring of the firmware is also strictly prohibited without embedding the firmware in KENWOOD product memories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "NX-240 V2_Updater_V201" download.(2,005KB Zip file) Carefully read the ReadMe.txt file supplied with this Firmware Updater before writing the firmware. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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