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Now downloading free:White-Westinghouse 323, 523, 823, WVT11311, WVT12505

White-Westinghouse 323, 523, 823, WVT11311, WVT12505 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:323-523-823.pdf
[preview 323, 523, 823, WVT11311, WVT12505]
Size:2049 kB
Model:323, 523, 823, WVT11311, WVT12505 🔎
Original:Daewoo, Portland, Emerson 🔎
Descr:Service Manual - pag. 51
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
Multipart:No multipart

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Extracted files:1
File name 323-523-823.pdf

Daewoo "K" mechanism manual models using this deck are: Daewoo DV-K284 (VCR) 304 " 384 " 484 " 504 " 584 " 784 " 804 " 884 " DVN-14F6N (TV-VCR Combo) DVN-20F6N " Portland PLV2010B Emerson EV-304 (VCR) EV-504 " EV-804 " EVT-20F7 (TV-VCR Combo) White-Westinghouse 323 523 823 WVT11311 (TV-VCR Combo) WVT12505 " Daewoo parts list should be used for Models listed above & parts ordered from Daewoo. Also included are scans of the RCA/GE parts list with models using this same deck Parts lists TCEA.pcx is for RCA models VR339,VR348, VR509 & GE models VG2056,VG2058,VG2056 Parts lists TCEb.pcx is for RCA models VR342,VR518, & GE models VG2040,VG4040,VG4061 There are some differences in the parts lists. Some parts are available from TCE that are not from Daewoo. It appears that Daewoo left a couple of parts list pages out of their manual??? The basic mechanisms appear to be the same.

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