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Now downloading free:Minolta KB0000031

Minolta KB0000031 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:KB0000031 🔎
Original:KB0000031 🔎
Descr: Minolta Copiers Di620 KB0000031.PDF
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
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Knowledge Data Base ( KDB No.: KB0000031 / Status: Close ) *** PMN *** Model: Di621 Problem Machine: Di621 Title: The output of balnk copy occurs only in the first copy when you use EDH-1 and make a copy. Symptom: Image / No/Blank Page Symptom Explanation: The output of blank copy rarely occurs only in the first copy when you place a few originals on EDH-1 and make a copy. Temporary Measure: CounterMeasure: Changing the IR software(IC261B) Before Speed-up modification:1155-23G0-39-00(SUM 8C6F) After Speed-up modification:1155-23H0-06-00(SUM 1583) <> Product cut in of the modified IR software is scheduled to be done in order. Effective S/N is reported later. Cause: It turns out that there is a failure in IR software. <> If all of the following a),b),c) conditions are met, the output of blank copy or the copy with serious uneven image density in main scanning direction occurs, because something is wrong with the shading data. a)The first EDH copying after any of the following operation is taken *After the main switch is turned ON. *After the energy saver mode is released. *After the density is changed or the density of user's choice is changed from mode 1 to mode 2 *After making a copy with the original placed face down on the Original Glass in the machine in which "mode 2" is set in the density of user's choice b)Any case of the followings *In the case where serious slipping occurs between the original and the roller which transports the original *Halfway lifting up the original tray( Place the original on document handling tray and press the energy saver key when the machine is standing by. Then the machine enters in the state of the energy saving with the tray halfway lifting up. After that even if the state of energy-saving is canceled, the halfway lifting up of the tray isn't released and the machine enters the state of standby. c)The prob

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