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TECHNICAL INFORMATION Subject Change of Gasket Y04299 For Models EW400TR, G5500R, G5501R Country All countries Description Material of Gasket has been changed. Consequently, the relevant parts have been replaced. Their appearances remain the same. Model G5501R Gasket Gasket, Exhaust (2241510111) (2243510111) Gasket, Insulator (T=0.8) (2243520213) Gasket (2241510113) Interchangeability(I/C) Item No. Current part Q'ty I/C New part Q'ty Note EW400TR: 060 Gasket Set Gasket Set G500R, G5501R: F01 2249900107 1 Yes 1 2249900117 See note below. EW400TR: 064 Gasket Gasket 1 Yes 1 G5500R: 112 2241510103 2241510111 G5501R: 134 EW400TR: 079 Gasket Gasket G5500R: 131 1 Yes 2241510113 1 2241530103 G5501R: 153 EW400TR: 090 Gasket Gasket, Exhaust G5500R: 120 1 Yes 2243510111 1 2243510103 G5501R: 142 EW400TR: 083 Gasket, Insulator (T=0.8) 1 Yes Gasket, Insulator (T=0.8) 1 G5500R: 127 2243520203 2243520213 G5501R: 149 Note Gasket Set for EW400TR consists of Item Nos. 053, 064, 069, 077, 079, 083, 085, 090 and 167. Gasket Set for G5500R consists of Item Nos. 112, 120, 125, 127, 129, 131, 140 and 142. Gasket Set for G5501R consists of Item Nos. 134, 142, 147, 149, 151, 153, 162 and 164. Implementation Already implemented since Jun., 2002 production.

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