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Now downloading free:Jetway jet way j630cf r3.0 schematics

Jetway jet way j630cf r3.0 schematics free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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File name:jet_way_j630cf_r3.0_schematics.pdf
[preview jet way j630cf r3.0 schematics]
Size:425 kB
Model:jet way j630cf r3.0 schematics 🔎
Original:jet way j630cf r3.0 schematics 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Jetway Motherboards Материнская плата JetWay J630CF jet_way_j630cf_r3.0_schematics.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
Multipart:No multipart

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File name jet_way_j630cf_r3.0_schematics.pdf

VTT VTT R84 AK30 VCC2DET VCCCORE 630CF REV:3.0 VCC3 SLEWCTRL Layout all Bead 0805-->0603 CPURST# OPEN-220 RTTCTRL VTT VCC2.5 VCC_CMOS VCC3 U5 M E N DOCINO_2 AA37 A37 AH20 AC37 AN11 AN13 AN15 AN21 AN23 AA33 AA35 AK16 AK24

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