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Siemens AX75 free download

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File name:AX75_SM_&_DiagramSet.rar
[preview AX75]
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Model:AX75 🔎
Descr:AX75 Diagram Set and Service Manual
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name Diagram_Set_AX75.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 A HIERARCHY A5B00900180631-26358 SHEET index netlist1 poslist1 page1 PDF-SHEET sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 ---sheet 4 sheet 5 sheet 6 sheet 7 sheet 8 sheet 9 sheet 10 sheet 11 sheet 12 sheet 13 Proprietary data, company confidential. All rights reserved sheet1 sheet2 sheet3 sheet4 sheet5 sheet6 sheet7 sheet8 sheet9 sheet10 B C D Als Betriebsgeheimnis anvertraut Alle Rechte vorbehalten E DATE USER APPR'D 24.03.2005 TLL COM MD PD HW 2 1 VERS. Pegasus B6E B2 Assembled AMD Variant2 B2 Layout 1:1 TOP HIERARCHY LEVEL SCHEMATIC 147454 ( Created by BOM number: A5B00900169571-27111 ) 27111 25179 CHANGE NUMBER 11.05.2005 24.03.2005 DATE ZSX TLL NAME Siemens AG index 1 /sheet5 14 E 1.5V /sheet7 14 B /sheet5 2 C 1.5V_DSP /sheet5 4 C 1.5V_MAIN /sheet5 3 C 3_SIN26M /sheet1 13 D A(0) /sheet6 6 E A(0:23) /sheet6 15 E /sheet6 2 C /sheet6 9 F /sheet6 3 F /sheet5 13 F A(23) /sheet5 8 E AC_CTS /sheet8 13 E /sheet5 9 C AC_DCD /sheet8 13 E /sheet5 14 E AC_RTS /sheet8 13 E /sheet5 9 C AC_RX /sheet8 13 E /sheet8 14 D /sheet5 15 E /sheet5 15 E AC_TX /sheet8 13 F /sheet8 12 D /sheet5 10 G AGND /sheet5 /sheet5 /sheet5 /sheet5 BHE /sheet6 15 E /sheet6 6 E /sheet5 10 F BREF /sheet5 15 A /sheet5 1 E BT_SIN26M /sheet1 13 D CCCLK /sheet5 14 D /sheet10 7 E CCIO /sheet5 14 D /sheet10 7 E CCRST /sheet5 14 D /sheet10 7 E CCVCC /sheet7 14 B /sheet10 7 F CHARGE_UC /sheet7 10 C /sheet6 15 F /sheet5 14 D CS_FLASH_1 /sheet6 15 E /sheet6 5 B /sheet6 5 C /sheet6 12 E /sheet6 12 E /sheet5 10 F CS_SRAM /sheet6 15 E /sheet6 6 E /sheet5 10 F CTS_1 /sheet8 9 E D(0:15) /sheet6 15 B /sheet6 5 B /sheet6 12 F /sheet6 5 F /sheet5 12 C DCD_1 /sheet8 9 E EPN1 /sheet9 5 F /sheet7 13 D EPN1_FIL /sheet7 4 D /sheet5 8 A /sheet5 6 D EPP1 /sheet9 5 E /sheet7 13 D EPP1_FIL /sheet7 4 D /sheet5 8 A /sheet5 6 E F_WAIT /sheet6 15 E /sheet6 5 D /sheet6 12 E GND_MIC /sheet9 4 C /sheet8 9 F /sheet5 4 B /sheet5 /sheet5 /sheet5 /sheet5 /sheet5 4B 4G 6C 1B 6A IR_TX /sheet9 13 E /sheet8 12 D KB0 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 D KB2 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 E KB3 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 D KB4 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 D KB5 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 E KB6 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 C KB7 /sheet7 7 C /sheet5 7 E /sheet3 14 C KB8 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 C KB9 /sheet5 8 E /sheet3 14 C KP_7 /sheet5 8 E LCD_CLK /sheet8 10 A /sheet5 9 C /sheet4 11 C /sheet4 14 C LCD_CS /sheet8 10 A /sheet5 10 C /sheet4 14 C /sheet4 11 C LCD_DAT /sheet8 10 B /sheet5 9 C /sheet4 14 C /sheet4 11 C LCD_RESET /sheet8 10 A /sheet5 10 C /sheet4 14 C /sheet4 11 C LCD_RS /sheet8 10 A /sheet5 9 C /sheet4 14 C /sheet4 11 C LIGHT_1 /sheet10 9 F /sheet10 12 B LIGHT_DISP /sheet8 10 B /sheet4 11 C /sheet4 14 C /sheet10 7 B LIGHT_KB /sheet5 15 E /sheet10 9 B LIGHT_LCD /sheet5 11 C /sheet10 5 B MICN1 /sheet9 5 B /sheet5 3 B /sheet5 1 D MICN2 /sheet5 4 A /sheet5 1 D MICP1 /sheet9 5 B /sheet5 3 B /sheet5 1 D MICP2 /sheet8 9 F /sheet5 4 A /sheet5 1 D MON1 /sheet5 9 F MON2 /sheet5 9 F /page1 3 A OEN /sheet5 10 F PCN_PA_IN /sheet1 1 F /sheet1 9 F POWER
File name sm_AX75_L25_R1.0.pdf

Company Confidential Copyright 2004© Siemens AG s Com Service Repair Documentation Level 2.5 ­ AX75 Release 1.0 Date 17.05.2005 Department ICM MP CC GRM T Notes to change New document Page 1 of 10 Service Repair Documentation TI_Repair_L2,5L_AX75_R1.0 Company Confidential Copyright 2004© Siemens AG s Com Introduction This Service Repair Documentation is intended to carry out repairs on Siemens repair level 2.5Light. The described failures shall be repaired in Siemens authorized local workshops only. The level 2.5light (former Level 2.5 ) partners are obliged to repair boards, up to their repair level, under consideration of the information given by level 2.5Light (former level 2.5) repair instruction. All repairs have to be carried out in an ESD protected environment and with ESD protected equipment/tools. For all activities the international ESD regulations have to be considered. Assembling/disassembling has to be done according to the latest AX75 Level 2 repair documentation. It has to be ensured that every repaired mobile Phone is checked according to the latest released General Test Instruction document (both documents are available in the Technical Support section of the C-market). Check at least weekly C-market for updates and consider all AX75 related Customer Care Information AX75 Partnumber on IMEI label: S30880-S7800-#xxx , while # may be any letter (A-Z) and xxx may be any number from 100, 101, 102... Scrap Handling: All Scrap information given in this manual are related to the SCRAP-Rules and instructions. Attention: Consider the new "LEAD-FREE" soldering rules (available in the communication market), avoid excessive heat. If you have any questions regarding the repair procedures or technical questions spare not hesitate to contact our technical support team in Kamp-Lintfort, Germany: Tel.: +49 2842 95 4666 Fax: +49 2842 95 4302 E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 10 Service Repair Documentation TI_Repair_L2,5L_AX75_R1.0 Company Confidential Copyright 2004© Siemens AG s Com Table of Content 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AX 75 board layout ...4 Connector SIM Card Reader ...5 Connector IO Jack...6 Connector Battery ...7 Connector Display ...8 IRDA Diode ...9 LED_Keypad ...

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