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File name:M75_SM_&_DiagramSet.rar
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Descr:M75 Diagram Set and Service Manual
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name Diagram_Set_M75_R1[1].0.PDF

1 2 3 4 5 A HIERARCHY A5B00900172405-22140 SHEET index netlist1 netlist2 poslist1 PDF-SHEET sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 sheet 4 ---sheet 5 sheet 6 sheet 7 sheet 8 sheet 9 sheet 10 sheet 11 sheet 12 sheet 13 sheet 14 sheet 15 sheet 16 sheet 17 sheet 18 sheet 19 sheet 20 sheet 21 sheet 22 sheet 23 Proprietary data, company confidential. All rights reserved page1 sheet1 sheet4 sheet10 sheet11 sheet12 sheet13 sheet14 sheet15 sheet16 sheet17 sheet19 sheet21 sheet22 sheet26 sheet27 sheet35 sheet38 sheet39 sheet42 B C D Als Betriebsgeheimnis anvertraut Alle Rechte vorbehalten E DATE USER APPR'D 05.07.2004 Kuehn COM MD PD HW4 ULM 2 1 VERS. Sirius B1+ Board Variant V2 TOP HIERARCHY LEVEL SCHEMATIC 131380 ( Created by BOM number: A5B00900172408-25049 ) 1:1 25049 22142 CHANGE NUMBER 08.03.2005 12.01.2005 DATE Kue Me NAME Siemens AG index 1.5V_DSP /sheet13 9 B /sheet11 11 C 1.5V_UC /sheet13 9 B /sheet11 11 D /sheet11 5 B /sheet35 2 B 1.8V_AAC /sheet1 4 C /sheet1 15 D /sheet1 13 E 1.8V_MEM1 /sheet13 9 B /sheet11 11 D /sheet12 10 E /sheet1 3 C 1.8V_MEM2 /sheet42 4 A /sheet42 5 B /sheet13 9 B /sheet13 9 C /sheet4 14 F /sheet12 6 C /sheet12 9 D /sheet12 9 D /sheet12 12 A /sheet12 10 B /sheet1 3 D /sheet35 2 A 2.65V /sheet42 5 B /sheet42 5 B /sheet42 5 A /sheet42 5 A /sheet26 2 A /sheet15 5 F /sheet15 6 F /sheet14 5 A /sheet13 4 F /sheet13 3 D /sheet13 9 B /sheet11 7 B /sheet11 8 B /sheet11 11 C /sheet11 5 B /sheet11 8 B /sheet4 14 F /sheet4 2 F /sheet4 4 F /sheet10 15 D /sheet10 2 F /sheet10 2 D /sheet10 10 A /page1 2 B 2.65V_CIF /sheet13 8 A /sheet35 2 A 2.9V /sheet27 1 C /sheet13 9 B /sheet11 5 B /sheet4 12 A /sheet4 9 A /sheet1 3 C /sheet22 11 E /sheet22 11 E 2.9V_AAC /sheet1 13 E /sheet1 10 D /sheet1 4 C 2.9V_CIF /sheet13 8 A /sheet35 13 F 2.9V_CIF_B /sheet13 9 B /sheet35 2 A A(0:24) /sheet10 12 G /sheet12 15 E /sheet12 13 D /sheet12 10 D AAC_CLK32 /sheet10 13 D /sheet1 7 D AAC_CS /sheet10 13 E /sheet1 7 D /sheet1 10 D AAC_INT /sheet10 13 D /sheet1 10 D AAC_RESET /sheet10 6 B /sheet1 7 D AC_CTS /sheet15 7 G /sheet10 13 E AC_DCD /sheet15 7 G /sheet10 5 B AC_RTS /sheet15 7 G /sheet10 13 E AC_RX /sheet15 7 G /sheet10 13 E AC_TX /sheet15 7 G /sheet10 13 E ADV /sheet10 6 G /sheet12 15 E /sheet12 10 B AKKU_TYP /sheet14 5 A /sheet4 2 F /sheet4 4 F /sheet10 9 B BATT+ /sheet27 1 C /sheet26 6 B /sheet21 5 C /sheet14 7 C /sheet14 5 A /sheet13 2 B /sheet13 2 F /sheet13 3 A /sheet13 3 C /sheet13 4 B /sheet13 3 E /sheet13 12 G /sheet13 2 B /sheet13 3 C /sheet4 9 B /sheet4 12 B /sheet4 2 F /sheet4 4 F /sheet4 2 G /sheet4 4 G /sheet39 1 E /sheet39 7 E /sheet10 15 F /sheet17 3 D /sheet35 11 D BATT+_F /sheet27 1 C /sheet27 7 D /sheet15 4 E /sheet15 2 E /sheet13 2 B /sheet13 10 D BC0 /sheet10 7 G /sheet12 15 E /sheet12 10 C BC1 /sheet10 7 G /sheet12 15 F /sheet12 10 C BFCLKI /sheet10 6 G /sheet12 15 E /sheet12 9 B BFCLKO /sheet10 6 G /sheet12 8 B /sheet12 15 E BOOST_OUT /sheet13 10 E /sheet13 6 C BREF /sheet10 10 B /sheet10 14 B BT_CTS /sheet42 3 C /sheet4
File name sm_M75_L2_R1.0.pdf

Local Service Organization Service Manual BE INSPIRED M75 Version R1.0 Date 10.06.2005 Department ICM MP CCQ SLI RHQ Notes to change New Document Our innovation shapes the future M75 Level 2 Service Manual Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GPRS (GENERAL PACKET RADIO SERVICE)...3 K JAVA APPLICATION...4 KEY FEATURES...5 COMPARISON WITH PERVIOUS PRODUCT...7 ACCESSORIES...8 UNIT DESCRIPTION M75...10 DISASSEMBLY OF M75...12 REASSEMBLY OF M75...19 ASSEMBLING AND DISASSEMBLING OF CAMERA MODULE...21 MOBILE SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING...23 SIEMENS SERVICE EQUIPMENT USER MANUAL...26 JPICS INTERNET...27 INTERNATIONAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT IDENTITY, IMEI...33 GENERAL TESTING INFORMATION...34 Annex 1...39 Annex 2...40 Copyright © Siemens Pte Ltd. COM D CCQ APAC SLI TI_Repair_L2_M75_R1.0 Siemens Technical Support Centre Page 2 of 40 Internal Use Only M75 Level 2 Service Manual 1 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) GPRS is a new non-voice value added services that allows information to be sent and received across a GSM mobile telephone network. It supplements today's Circuit Switched Data (CSD) and Short Message Services (SMS). GPRS involves overlaying a packet based air interface on the existing circuit switched GSM network. This gives the option to use a packet-based data service. The information is split into separated but related "packets" before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving end. Theoretically, maximum speeds of up to 171.2 kilobits per second (kbps) are achievable with GPRS using all eight timeslots at the same time. This is about 3 times as fast as the data transmission speed possible over today's fixed telecommunications networks and 10 times as fast as current Circuit Switched Data services on GSM networks. Example: Cell with 1 Frequency channel: 1 physical channel for signaling, 4 physical channels for Circuit switched and 3 physical channels for Packet switched. Copyright © Siemens Pte Ltd. COM D CCQ APAC SLI TI_Repair_L2_M75_R1.0 Siemens Technical Support Centre Page 3 o

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