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Now downloading free:Intel Pentium® Processor at iCOMP® Index 510 - 60 MHz

Intel Pentium® Processor at iCOMP® Index 510 - 60 MHz free download

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File name Pentium® Processor at iCOMP® Index 510 - 60 MHz.PDF

PENTIUM TM PROCESSOR AT iCOMP INDEX 510T60 MHz PENTIUM TM PROCESSOR AT iCOMP INDEX 567T66 MHz Y Binary Compatible with Large Software Y 273-Pin Grid Array Package Base Y BiCMOS Silicon Technology DOS OS 2 UNIX and WINDOWS Y Increased Page Size Y 32-Bit Microprocessor 4M for Increased TLB Hit Rate 32-Bit Addressing 64-Bit Data Bus Y Multi-Processor Support Multiprocessor Instructions Y Superscalar Architecture Support for Second Level Cache Two Pipelined Integer Units Capable of under One Clock per Y Internal Error Detection Instruction Functional Redundancy Checking Pipelined Floating Point Unit Built in Self Test Parity Testing and Checking Y Separate Code and Data Caches 8K Code 8K Write Back Data Y IEEE 1149 1 Boundary Scan 2-Way 32-Byte Line Size Compatibility Software Transparent Y Performance Monitoring MESI Cache Consistency Protocol Counts Occurrence of Internal Y Advanced Design Features Events Branch Prediction Traces Execution through Pipelines Virtual Mode Extensions The Pentium processor (510T60 567T66) provides the next generation of power for high-end workstations and servers The Pentium processor (510T60 567T66) is compatible with the entire installed base of applications for DOS Windows OS 2 and UNIX The Pentium processor's superscalar architecture can execute two instructions per clock cycle Branch Prediction and separate caches also increase performance The pipelined floating point unit of the Pentium processor (510T60 567T66) delivers workstation level performance Sepa- rate code and data caches reduce cache conflicts while remaining software transparent The Pentium proces- sor (510T60 567T66) has 3 1 million transistors and is built on Intel's 0 8 Micron BiCMOS silicon technology 241595

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