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Samsung SGH-E630 free download

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File name:SGH-E630 Schematics.pdf
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Descr:Samsung SGH-E630 Schematics
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name SGH-E630 Schematics.pdf

VCC_RF_VCO C103 100NF L102 1.2NH EGSMRX_N 47nH L101 L100 1.2NH EGSMRX_P PON_RX MURATA PON_SYN C152 3.3PF PCSRX_N C147 100PF C118 1.8NF 6.2nH L108 C148 100PF VCC_SYN FESW2 FESW1 C151 3.3PF PCSRX_P C150 100NF L107 27PF DCSRX_N 15nH L105 L104 27PF DCSRX_P R126 2.2K C119 390PF FILM (2012) C121 6.8NF FILM (2012) C120 560PF X7R (1005) R121 3.6K 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 FESW2 FESW1 SYNON RXON RFLOVCC GNDTUNE 32 C122 100NF C123 8.2PF 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 GSMIA GSMIB SYNVCC VCC_RX_TX RFVCC RFVCOVCC RFTUNE RFCPO 31 RFCPVCC EN 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 C127 33NF C129 47NF C112 7PF C124 8.2PF C125 100NF VCC_CP RFGND1 CLK PCSIA DATA PCSIB RFGND2 DCSIA REFGND DCSIB CLKFDBX FESWON CAFCSUP U100 UAA3536HN/C3 REFVCC REFIN ANT_EN RF_EN_SYN RF_BBI_CLK EXTRES TXCPVCC TXCPO TXRFI IFVCC QA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB IA IB 10 41 C101 100PF 3 4 VCC R106 220K GND 2 VCON 1 R108 10K GND1 TXON 42 GND2 43 GND3 44 GND4 45 NC1 46 NC2 CLKOUT R125 1K RF_BBI_DATA 26MCLK R105 22K,1% OUT U101 TCO-5871U-26M R122 47 AFC VCC_TX_BURST VCC_CP C132 100PF R107 220K C133 1UF C134 1NF C135 100NF C136 8.2PF D_REF_13M VCC_SYN R112 120 R110 91 12 8 C137 100PF C138 1UF R116 5.6K 10 14 C104 20PF R114 200 C131 220PF R104 130 C142 22NF C102 68PF X7R (1005) U475 220PF OSC401 MQW510C869M VB2 VB1 DCSTX EGSMTX 5 1 QRX_TX_N OUT1 VC OUT2 G SW1 SW2 G G G G G G 2 4 3 6 7 9 11 13 R117 5.6K QRX_TX_P TXVCO_SW1 DUAL_TXVCO C144 27PF R118 5.6K IRX_TX_N C149 220PF TXVCO_SW2 C146 27PF R119 5.6K IRX_TX_P U476 220PF PON_TX Title RF Schematic Size Document Number Rev A3 SAMSUNG/SGH-MINI/MAIN/RF 2004.09.06 Sheet Rev2.6 1 of 8 Date: CN201 KMS-510 R203 6.2K TXVCO_SW3 C209 100NF VBAT C222 470PF RAMP G 4 C 3 A 2 G 1 ANT1 R1120 1.0NH JT_ANT C1128 1.5PF C1129 15nH C1127 2.7PF VC2 C208 220NF VBATT C211 100UF 6.3V GND GND GND GND 10V 1 2 3 4 NC VAPC GND C212 100NF 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 VSENSE 19 GND 18 DCS/PCSOUT 17 L200 4.7nH ENABLE VCC1A BS DCS/PCSIN GSM850/900IN GND VCC1B C202 33PF DCSTX EGSMTX R207 R204 82 82 5 6 7 8 U201 GND SKY77325-12RSVD 16 15 GND 14 GND 13 GSM850/900OUT 12 C203 39PF GND GND 9 10 GND 11 L201 47nH C205 C204 220NF 220NF VC1 VC2 VC3 U205 LMG003W-5086A 8 PCS_RX1 3 ANT 10 VC1 PCS_RX2 4 12 VC2 DCS_RX1 1 9 VC3 DCS_RX2 2 11 EGSM_TX EGSM_RX1 5 13 DCS/PCS_TX EGSM_RX2 6 G 7 G 14 15 G 16 G PCSRX_P PCSRX_N DCSRX_P DCSRX_N EGSMRX_P EGSMRX_N VCC_RX_TX L807 33nH FESW2 VC1 6 C1 5 B2 4 E2 U207 PEMD10 E1 1 B1 2 C2 3 L809 33nH VC3 R209 10K C216 100PF L808 33nH FESW1 VC2 R1121 10K C1130 100PF R210 10K C217 100PF ANT_SW2 VC1 Rx(GSM/DCS) L L H L VC2 L L L H VC3 L H L L Antenna S/W Control Circuit Rx(PCS) Tx(GSM) Tx(DCS/PCS) Title RF Schematic Size Document Number Rev A3 SAMSUNG/SGH-MINI/MAIN/RF 2004.09.06 Sheet Rev2.6 2 of 8 Date: VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 VDD2 VDD3 VDD1 AVDD pin C9 pin C8 R316 47 C304 C300 100NF 100NF AVDD AVDD AVDD AVDD pin D14 C3

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