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Now downloading free:Rolsen LD1117

Rolsen LD1117 free download

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File name:LD1117.pdf
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Model:LD1117 🔎
Original:LD1117 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rolsen DVD Элементная база LD1117.pdf
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UTC LD1117 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW DROP FIXED AND ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE 2 1 3 REGULATORS DESCRIPTION The UTC LD1117 is a LOW DROP Voltage Regulator able SOT-223 SOP-8 to provide up to 800mA of Output Current, available even in adjustable version (Vref=1.25V). Concerning fixed versions, are offered the following Output Voltages: 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.0V, 3.0V and 5.0V. The 2.85V type is ideal for SCSI-2 lines active termination. The device is supplied in: SOT-223, TO-252, SOP8 and TO-220. The SOT-223 and TO-252 surface mount 1 packages optimize the thermal characteristics even offering a relevant space saving effect. High efficiency is assured by NPN pass transistor. In fact in the case, unlike than PNP one, the Quiescent Current flows mostly into the load. Only a very common 10

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