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Now downloading free:Fluke Initial F5700A Cal Dump

Fluke Initial F5700A Cal Dump free download

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Model:Initial F5700A Cal Dump 🔎
Original:Initial F5700A Cal Dump 🔎
Descr: Fluke 5700a
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOHN FLUKE MFG. CO., INC. S/N XXXXXXX 5700A OUTPUT CALIBRATION PRINTED ON 3/28/16 AT 17:21:58 5700A S/N XXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODULES PRESENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Revision JA* Switching Matrix DC Volt Module AC Volt Module 220V Module 1100V/2A Module Current Module Ohms Module Wideband Module Hires Osc Module Rear Panel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARTIFACT CALIBRATION DATES AND TEMPERATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specification Interval: 1 year MAIN OUTPUT: (Most recent) 8/28/12, 22.5 Degrees C (Previous) 8/27/12, 22.3 Degrees C (Days since last cal) 1308 ZERO: (Most recent) 8/28/12 (Days since last cal) 1308 WIDEBAND GAIN: (Most recent) 8/28/12, 22.4 Degrees C (Previous) 8/02/12, 22.7 Degrees C (Days since last cal) 1308 WIDEBAND FLAT: (Most recent) 8/28/12, 22.3 Degrees C (Previous) 11/08/07, 23.0 Degrees C (Days since last cal) 1308 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDARDS USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDARD NUMBER CERT. DATE VOLTAGE ______________ ______________ 9.999911 V 10 kOhm ______________ ______________ 10.000076 kOhm 1 Ohm ______________ ______________ 1.0001129 Ohm OTHER ______________ ______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTERNALLY CALIBRATED INTERNAL REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCE Most Recent Previous Shift (ppm) 6.5 V DC Reference 6.891367 6.891367 0.00 13 V DC Reference 13.794822 13.794822 0.00 Resistance Reference 0.9999939 0.9999945 -0.59 1.0 Ohm Resistor 0.9998249 1.0008533 -1027.55 1.9 Ohm Resistor

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