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File name:Manual.pdf
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Original:Manual 🔎
Descr: Minolta Printers QMS QMS_presentation Drivers PagePro 4100 nicutlty Manual.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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Network Interface Card User's Manual PagePro 4100E users: Your printer does not come with a Network Interface Card. A card is, however, available as an option. PagePro 4100GN users: Your printer has network interface functions built into its controller board. for PagePro 4100E/4100GN 4110-7722-01 Foreword Software License Agreement and Warranty Software License Agreement Important: Before installing the software please carefully read this License Agree- ment. The installation of this software indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this License. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions, you should return the software to Minolta Co., Ltd. for a full refund. 1. SOFTWARE Software means the computer program contained in this package (which may include digitally encoded, machine readable, scalable outline font data as encoded in a special format), together with all codes, techniques, soft- ware tools, format, design, concepts, methods and ideas associated with the computer program and all documentation related thereto. 2. LICENSE AGREEMENT This is a License Agreement and not an agreement for sale. Minolta owns, or has been licensed from other owners, copyrights in the Software. Except as stated in this Agreement, you are not granted any rights to patents, copy- rights, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights, franchises or license in respect of the Software. Title to the Software and any copy made from it is retained by Minolta or such other owners. 3. LICENSE Minolta, hereby grants to you, and you agree to accept a non-exclusive, non transferable and limited license and you may: (1) install and use the Software on a single computer and one associated printer. (2) use the Software only for your own customary business or personal purposes. (3) make a copy of the Software for backup or installation purposes only in support of the normal and intended use of the Software. i Foreword (4) transfer possession of copies of the Software to another party by transferring a copy of this Agreement and all other documentation along with at least one complete unaltered copy of the Software, provided that (i) you either transfer Software to such other party or destroy all your other copies of the Software (ii) such transfer of procession terminates your license from Minolta, and (iii) such other party shall accept and be bound by these license terms by its initial use of the Software. 4. RESTRICTIONS (1) You shall not without the written consent of Minolta: (i) use, copy, modify, merge or transfer copies of the Software except as provided herein. (ii)

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