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Now downloading free:DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8

DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8 free download

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File name:DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8.PDF
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Size:41 kB
Model:control protocol Ver. 5.1.8 🔎
Original:control protocol Ver. 5.1.8 🔎
Descr: DENON Stereo Power Amplifier Stereo Power Amplifier Denon - POA-3012CI DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8.PDF
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8.PDF

DENON control protocol Ver. 5.1.8 Application model : POA-3012CI Application terminal: RS-232C/Ethernet Connector specification . RS-232C Connector type: DB-9pin female type, slave straight connection (DCE type) ( 1pin : GND , 2pin : TxD , 3pin : RxD , 5pin : Common(GND) , 4,6,7,8,9pin : NC ) Communication format: Synchronous system : Tone step synchronization Communication system : A half duplex Communication speed : 9600bps Character length : 8 bits Parity control : None Start bit : 1 bit Stop bit : 1 bit Communication procedure : Non procedural Communication data length : 135 bytes (maximum) -1- . Ethernet Connector type RJ-45(10BASE-T/100BASE-TX) Example Ethernet PC Cross cable POA-3012CI Example HUB PC POA-3012CI Ethernet Ethernet Straight Straight cable cable Communication format Communication system : A half duplex Communication speed : 10Mbps/100Mbps Communication port : TCP port 23 (telnet) Communication data length : 135bytes (maximum) -2- NETWORK SETUP of POA-3012CI >Procedure of Network Setup mode. (1)Press MENU button and select "system set up" with rotary encoder, then System Setup Menu appears on FL-display. (2)Select "Network Setup > Detail" . (3)Set parameters described below. "ON"---Use this setting when DHCP server is on the local network. "OFF"---Use this setting when DHCP server is not on the local network. When sets "OFF", please set IP address. When sets "ON", you can confirm the IP address that is set by server. When sets "OFF", please set Subnet Mask. When sets "ON", you can confirm the Subnet Mask that is set by server. Set the address of Gateway when Gateway is on the local network. Do not set this parameter when Gateway is not on the local network. Do not set this parameter. Do not set this parameter. Set this parameter "OFF".

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