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Now downloading free:General Music Twin14-Twin10

General Music Twin14-Twin10 free download

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1 H TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION LEVELS & DATA sensitivity from -10 to -40dB Gain 30dB impedence 1Kohms sensitivity from +10 to -20dB Gain 30dB impedence 10Kohms HI ±15 dB @ 10kHz LOW ±15 dB @ 70Hz sensitivity from +10 to -20dB impedence 10Kohms HI ±15 dB @ 10kHz LOW ±15 dB @ 70Hz CONNECTORS MONO INPUT CHANEL MIC input Balanced XLR_F LINE input Balanced JACK Equalizer LINE input Equalizer MASTER SECTION MASTER output level MONITOR output level AUX OUT output level AUX IN input level TAPE OUT output level TAPE IN input level 2 Balanced JACKS Tone burst 10%/20ms THD max 0,1% Both channels 20Hz - 20kHz THD max 0,1% Both channels +4dB +4dB +4dB 0dB 0dB 0dB POWER AMPLIFIER Power output (IHF) 200W/4ohms TWIN 10 350W/4ohms TWIN 14 Power output (FTC) 180W/4ohms TWIN 10 300W/4ohms TWIN 14 2 Balanced JACKS Balanced JACK 2 Balanced JACKS 2 unbalanced JACKS 2 unbalanced JACKS 2 unbalanced JACKS 2 x JACK 2 x SPEAKON 2 x JACK 2 x SPEAKON GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION <0,1% FROM 20Hz to 20KHz STEREO separation >-7dB @ 1KHz, >-70dB @ 10KHz CROSS-TALK FADER >-88dB @ 1KHz, >-83dB @ 10KHz (all fader closed) -105 dB S/N RATIO (rated MIX fader) -95 dB (rated MIX fader +1h) -85 dB TWIN 10 13,5kg WEIGHT TWIN 14 18,4kg TWIN 10 350x100x320 mm (LxHxD) DIMENSIONS TWIN 14 450x130x320 mm (LxHxD) H 2 3 H BIAS ADJUSTMENT Instruments, materials and tools: - Audio Generator - Dual Trace Oscilloscope (earth ground floating) - Digital Voltmeter (or Multimeter) - 2x4E 220W Resistor - Temperature Meter Setup: - Connect the audio generator to the input (CN3) and set its output at 1kHz sinusoidal signal. - Insert the temperature snsor through the interstize between the heatsink and R82 (PTC). - Connect the 4E 250W resistor to the amplifier outputs - Connect the oscilloscope probes (setting 20V/div.,1ms/div) on th loads. - Insert the voltmeter terminals on R115. - Turn VR1 and VR2 clockwise up to end-stroke ADJUSTEMENT PROCEDURE 1) Turn on the amplifier. 2) Set the input signal to 0dB (0.775Vrms). 3) When the temperature has reaches about 50°C (121°F) set the signal input to ). minimum (0 or 4) Adjust the trimmer VR1 to read a voltage of 15mV±0.05 on the multimeter. 5) Check that the voltage across the R114 resistor has the same value. 6) At ssame temperature condiction, adjust the VR2 trimmer to read 15mV±0.05 across R70 resistor. 7) Check that the voltage on the R69 resistor has the same value. Verifing: - Increase the input level to obtain an output voltage about of 0.5Vpp. - Check with the oscilloscope that the output signal is without a cross-talk distortion and eventually slightly adjust the VR3 or VR2 position until distortion disappears. - The voltage value across the R70, R69, R114, R115 resistors must not exceed 18mV H 4 5 H H 6 7 H H 8 9 H BIAS ADJUSTMENT Instruments, materials and tools: - Audio Generator - Dual Trace Oscilloscope (earth ground floating) - Digital Voltmeter (or Multimeter) - 2x4E 220W Resistor - Temperature Mete

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