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Now downloading free:Aiwa Service CR-DS505 CR-D500

Aiwa Service CR-DS505 CR-D500 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:CRDS 505 Rev.pdf
[preview CR-DS505 CR-D500]
Size:1738 kB
Mfg:Aiwa Service
Model:CR-DS505 CR-D500 🔎
Original:09-004-343-6R1 🔎
Descr:Radio Receiver - type YZ1, YH1, YJ1, YL1 - pag. 16
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name CRDS 505 Rev.pdf

CR-DS505 YZ1(S),YH1(S) YJ1(S),YL1(S) CR-D500 YU(S),YZ1(S)YH1(S), YJ1(S)YL1(S) SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" CR-DS505 YZ1(S)(S/M Code No. 09-004-343-7T1) CR-D500 YZ1(S)(S/M Code No. 09-004-343-6T1) CR-DS500 YH1(S),YJ1(S),YL1(S)/D500 YU(S),YH1(S),YL1(S),YJ1(S) (S/M Code No. 09-004-343-6T2). RE S/M Code No. 09-004-343-6R1 VI DA TA SIO N SPECIFICATIONS DS505 MODEL D500 MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to . change without notice · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST REF. NO PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8A-RC4-902-010 1 8A-RC5-902-010 1 8A-RC5-904-010 1 8A-RC4-904-010 1 8A-RC5-901-010 1 1 1 1 1 8A-RC4-905-010 8A-RC5-905-010 8A-RC4-907-010 8A-RC5-907-010 8A-RC5-906-010 IB,YHJ(ECC)C IB,YHJ(ECC)C IB,YL(3L)C IB,YL(3L)C IB,YU(3L)C IB,YZ(EGF)C IB,YZ(EGF)C IB,YZ(PHNCZ)C IB,YZ(PHNCZ)C IB,YZ(SID)C 1 8A-RC4-906-010 2 87-B30-124-110 2 87-B30-240-010 IB,YZ(SID)C HEADPHONE,HP-M028 HEADPHONE,HP-M035 2 87-B30-240-010 HEADPHONE,HP-M035 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C422 C423 C424 C451 C452 C453 C455 C456 C457 C458 CF101 CF102 CF103 J401 L101 L102 L103 L104 L401 L402 L402 L403 L451 S101 S401 S402 SP401 T101 T301 TC101 VC101 VC102 VC103 VR401 FRONT C.B C501 C502 C503 C504 C506 C507 C508 C509 C510 C511 C513 LCD101 LED501 S501 S502 S516 X501 87-A21-407-040 87-017-642-080 87-A21-605-010 87-A20-755-080 TRANSISTOR 89-341-165-080 89-115-884-080 89-342-153-080 87-026-467-080 89-508-804-080 DIODE 87-A40-462-080 87-017-925-070 87-020-465-080 87-001-553-080 MAIN C.B BPF101 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C136 C301 C302 C303 C304 C401 C402 C403 C405 C406 C407 C408 C420 C421 87-A90-749-010 87-010-570-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-574-080 87-010-164-080 87-010-333-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-575-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-151-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-334-080 87-010-573-080 87-010-334-080 87-010-572-080 87-010-805-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-805-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-805-080 87-010-570-080 87-016-526-080 87-010-419-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-482-080 87-010-166-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-197-080 87-010-169-080 87-012-274-080 87-010-341-080 87-010-501-080 87-010-188-080 87-010-805-080 87-A11-706-080 87-012-141-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-183-080 87-010-031-080 87-010-196-080 87-010-588-010 87-010-186-080 87-010-420-080 C-IC,TA2104BFN IC,CXA1622M C-IC,TC9318FA-056 C-IC,AK93C45AF KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 87-010-420-080 CAP,E 10-6.3 5L 87-010-196-080 CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-

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