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Samsung SPH-A900 service manual free download

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File name Samsung SPH-A900 service manual.pdf

CDMA TELEPHONE SPH-A900 CDMA TELEPHONE CONTENTS 1. General Introduction 2. Circuit Description 3. Installation 4. NAM Programming 5. Product Support Tools 6. Test Procedure 7. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 8. Exploded Views and Parts List 9. Block Diagram 10. Electrical Parts List 11. PCB Diagrams Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd ember. 005 2 Printed in Korea. This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable Code No.: GH68-08836A International and/or domestic law. BASIC. 1. General Introduction 1-1. General Instruction The SPH-A900 enables mobile users to communicate 3G CDMA2000 1X service into a single handset. For CDMA/PCS mode, The SPH-A900 supports Release A of the CDMA2000 1X standard. The SPH-A900 also features EV-DO high-speed data, Bluetooth as well as a swiveling 1.3 megapixel digital camera. This stylish clamshell phone supports dual color displays, Bluetooth, MMS, voice dialing, airplane mode and EV-DO services. 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization General Introduction 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. Circuit Description 2-1. Logic Section 2-1-1. Power Supply Press "END" key to turn on the phone and then the V_BAT and ON_SW signals will be connected. This turns on the inner regulators(V_MSMCORE, V_MSMC, VPD, VPA) of u200(MAX1526). The V_BAT applied to ON_SW will change ON_SW_SENSE signal from HIGH to LOW. MSM6500(UCP102) sends out PS_HOLD(logical HIGH) to keep the inner regulators on even after the "END" key is released. V_RFRX can be turned on/off by the RX_CTRL signal. V_TCXO can be turned on/off by the TCXO_CTRL signal. The other regulators(VDD2.6, V_SYNTH, V_RFTX, MOTOR_EN) will be in the ON/OFF state by I2C-compatible 2 wire serial interface. The regulated Voltage(u200, V_MSMCORE) are used in the core of MSM. The regulated Voltage(u200, V_MSMC) are used in the digital part of MSM. The regulated Voltage(u200, VPD) are used in the digital part and memory of MSM

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