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Now downloading free:Kenwood W-38

Kenwood W-38 free download

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File name:W-38.pdf
[preview W-38]
Size:1215 kB
Model:W-38 🔎 W38
Original:W-38 🔎
Descr: Kenwood Deluxe Stereophonic Tuner Amplifier Deluxe Stereophonic Tuner Amplifier Kenwood W-38 W-38.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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INSTALLATION AND OPERATING MANUAL DELUXE STEREOPHONIC AMPLIFIER MODEL W-38 AM- AM/ FM/ SW Tuner- Combination DISTRIBUTOR I. FEATURES OF THE W-38 1. General Stereophonic Amplifier It is a general purpose stereo amplifier capable of FM and shortwave reception enabling you to enjoy all types of broadcasts and recordings. 2. Sufficient Output Output is 14 watts per channel, or 28 watts in total. It is possible, therefore, to reproduce richly the most powerful tones of an orchestra. 3. Direct Current Hum is entirely eliminated with a DC filament supply system adopted to the equalizer circuit. 4. Loudness Control No matter how low you keep the volume, you can enjoy "on-the-spot" listening by adjusting the Loudness Control. 5. Rumble Filter Irritating low level motor rumbling disturbances can be filtered out with the Rumble Filter. 6. RP-Cord Tape Recorder Terminal The W-38 is equipped with a special socket of the kind agreed to among the major tape recorder manufacturers (a RP-cord terminal by which recording and reproduction are possible using only one connection) as well as an ordinary terminal. Accordingly, you can freely enjoy high fidelity recording and reproduction with any kind of tape recorder. 7. Magic Eye You can select radio stations quickly and accurately with the magic eye. 8. Mode

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